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Functions in Username Enumeration Prevention 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
username_enumeration_prevention_enable ./username_enumeration_prevention.module Implements hook_form_alter(). Check to see if any callbacks are enabled for anonymous users and warn user.
username_enumeration_prevention_form_alter ./username_enumeration_prevention.module Implements hook_form_alter(). Checks for the user password reset form and changes the validate and submit functions. Uses the overrided functions defined in this module instead of Drupal cores.
username_enumeration_prevention_menu_alter ./username_enumeration_prevention.module Implements hook_menu_alter(). Disable the callback for the views module when users don't have access user profiles permission.
username_enumeration_prevention_pass_submit ./username_enumeration_prevention.module Overrides the Drupal Core user_pass_submit() function found in 1
username_enumeration_prevention_pass_validate ./username_enumeration_prevention.module Overrides the Drupal Core user_pass_validate() function found in 1

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