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function hook_usermerge_query_authored_entities_alter in User Merge 7.2

Alter authored entities which are automatically merged.


array $entities: An array of arrays of entities that will be automatically merged, indexed by entity type and then entity id.

array $entity_types: An array of entity merge specifications, indexed by entity type, which are eligible to be merged.

integer $user_id: The user id of the account to be deleted.

1 function implements hook_usermerge_query_authored_entities_alter()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

profile2_usermerge_query_authored_entities_alter in includes/
Implements hook_usermerge_query_authored_entities_alter().
1 invocation of hook_usermerge_query_authored_entities_alter()
usermerge_query_authored_entities in ./
Selects entities whose uid matches the selected user.


./usermerge.api.php, line 303
Hooks provided by the User Merge module.


function hook_usermerge_query_authored_entities_alter(&$entities, $entity_types, $user_id) {

  // Prevent profile2 entities from being automatically merged as authoried entities because
  // Profile2 supplies its own merging.