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function user_relationships_ui_actions_between in User Relationships 7

List of possible relationship actions with between two users.


$viewer: User object for the visitor.

$viewed: User object for the user being looked at.

action_types: Associative array of kinds of links to show (all by default). Only the existence of specific array keys is needed: add, remove, requested, received.

$rtids: Associative array of relationships type ids to show (all by default). Row values must be rtids of relationship types.

Return value

An array with actions as strings.

4 calls to user_relationships_ui_actions_between()
template_preprocess_user_relationships_actions_block in user_relationship_blocks/user_relationship_blocks.module
Template pre processor for the relationship actions block
user_relationships_ui_user_view in user_relationships_ui/user_relationships_ui.module
user_relationship_invites_invite_form_validate in user_relationship_invites/user_relationship_invites.module
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views_handler_field_user_relationships_action::render in user_relationship_views/
Render the field.


user_relationships_ui/user_relationships_ui.module, line 56
UI components of user_relationships @author Jeff Smick (creator) @author Alex Karshakevich (maintainer) @author Darren Ferguson (contributor)


function user_relationships_ui_actions_between($viewer, $viewed, $action_types = array(
  'add' => 1,
  'remove' => 1,
  'requested' => 1,
  'received' => 1,
), $rtids = array()) {
  if ($viewer->uid == $viewed->uid) {
    return array();
  $list = array();
  $from_us = user_relationships_load(array(
    'requester_id' => $viewer->uid,
    'requestee_id' => $viewed->uid,
  if (isset($action_types['requested'])) {
    foreach ($from_us as $relationship) {
      if (!$relationship->approved && (empty($rtids) || in_array($relationship->rtid, $rtids))) {
        $list[] = t('You have sent a new @rel_name request to this user. (!pending_requests)', array(
          '!pending_requests' => l(t('pending requests'), "relationships/sent"),
        ) + user_relationships_type_translations($relationship));
  if (isset($action_types['received'])) {
    $to_us = user_relationships_load(array(
      'requester_id' => $viewed->uid,
      'requestee_id' => $viewer->uid,
    foreach ($to_us as $relationship) {
      if (!$relationship->approved && (empty($rtids) || in_array($relationship->rtid, $rtids)) && user_relationships_user_access('maintain @relationship relationships', $relationship)) {
        $list[] = t('This user has requested to be your @rel_name. (!pending_requests)', array(
          '!pending_requests' => l(t('pending requests'), "user/{$viewer->uid}/relationships/received"),
        ) + user_relationships_type_translations($relationship));
  if (isset($action_types['add'])) {
    $relationships = user_relationships_get_requestable_rtypes($viewer, $viewed, 'full');
    if ($relationships) {

      // If configured, create direct links.
      if (variable_get('user_relationships_show_direct_links', 1)) {

        // Create a single link, or one for each relationship type.
        foreach ($relationships as $relationship_type) {
          if (empty($rtids) || in_array($relationship_type->rtid, $rtids)) {
            $list[] = theme('user_relationships_request_relationship_direct_link', array(
              'relate_to' => $viewed,
              'relationship_type' => $relationship_type,
      else {
        $list[] = theme('user_relationships_request_relationship_link', array(
          'relate_to' => $viewed,
  if (isset($action_types['remove'])) {
    foreach ($from_us as $relationship) {
      if ($relationship->approved && (empty($rtids) || in_array($relationship->rtid, $rtids)) && !isset($list[$relationship->rid]) && user_relationships_ui_check_access('view', NULL, $relationship)) {
        if (user_relationships_ui_check_access('delete', NULL, $relationship)) {
          $list[] = t('@rel_name (!remove_link)', array(
            '@rel_name' => user_relationships_type_get_name($relationship) . ($relationship->is_oneway ? $relationship->requester_id == $viewer->uid ? t(' (You to Them)') : t(' (Them to You)') : NULL),
            '!remove_link' => theme('user_relationships_remove_link', array(
              'uid' => $viewer->uid,
              'rid' => $relationship->rid,
        else {
          $list[] = user_relationships_type_get_name($relationship) . ($relationship->is_oneway ? $relationship->requester_id == $viewer->uid ? t(' (You to Them)') : t(' (Them to You)') : NULL);
  return $list;