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function user_relationship_elaborations_form_alter in User Relationships 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 user_relationship_elaborations/user_relationship_elaborations.module \user_relationship_elaborations_form_alter()

hook_form_alter() to catch the approval form


user_relationship_elaborations/user_relationship_elaborations.module, line 120
User Relationships Elaborations feature @author Jeff Smick (creator) @author Darren Ferguson


function user_relationship_elaborations_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
  switch ($form_id) {
    case 'user_relationships_ui_pending_requested':
      if (!variable_get('user_relationships_elaborations_api_only', FALSE)) {
        $form['elaboration'] = array(
          '#type' => 'textarea',
          '#title' => t('Comments'),
          '#default_value' => isset($form_state['values']['elaboration']) ? $form_state['values']['elaboration'] : user_relationships_get_elaboration($form['rid']['#value']),
          '#description' => t('Add more details about your relationship. Both parties will be able to view these comments.'),
        $form['#submit'][] = 'user_relationship_elaborations_submit';
    case 'user_relationships_admin_settings':
      $form['user_relationships_elaborations'] = array(
        '#type' => 'fieldset',
        '#title' => t('Elaborations'),
        '#weight' => 0,
        '#group' => 'settings',
      $form['user_relationships_elaborations']['user_relationships_elaborations_api_only'] = array(
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#title' => t('Do not use the elaborations UI'),
        '#description' => t('Check this if you only need the API provided by the UR-Elaborations module'),
        '#default_value' => variable_get('user_relationships_elaborations_api_only', FALSE),
    case 'user_relationships_ui_request':

      // In case the form is an error form which the UI module has encountered
      if (!isset($form['error']) && !variable_get('user_relationships_elaborations_api_only', FALSE)) {

        // Make sure that the select box holding the relationship types is above the elaboration textarea.
        $form['rtid']['#weight'] = -10;

        // Adding text area to elaborate when creating a new relationship with another user.
        $form['elaboration'] = array(
          '#type' => 'textarea',
          '#title' => t('Comments'),
          '#rows' => 3,
          '#cols' => 50,
          '#description' => t('Add more details about your relationship. Both parties will be able to view these comments.'),
          '#weight' => 5,
        $form['#submit'][] = 'user_relationship_elaborations_request_submit';