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README.txt in User Relationships 6

User Relationship Blocks
Provides a few basic blocks for use with User Relationships. Block explanaitions are below.

Send comments to Jeff Smick:, or post an issue at

Drupal 6
User Relationships API
User Relationships UI

1. Enable User Relationship Blocks in the "Site building -> Modules" administration screen.

User Relationships: Actions
  Some basic actions that can be performed between the current user and the user being viewed*.
  This block is useful for those using nodeprofile

My Pending Relationships
  Shows all the pending relationship requests, both requested from and of the current user.

My Relationships: All Relationships
  Shows all of the current users relationships. The number of relationships and the order
  in which they're shown can be configured.

My Relationships: {Relationship Type}
  Where {Relationship Type} is a specific relationship type. This will show only the current
  user's relationships of the specified type.

User Relationships: All Relationships
  Like "My Relationships: All Relationships" only it shows the relationships of the user being

User Relationships: {Relationship Type}
  Like "My Relationships: {Relationship Type}" only it shows the relationships of the user being

* A note about the user being viewed:
  This user is found using a PHP function. It can be configured per block to be specific to your site.
  This is for more expert users (and is really only needed by expert users). You can find the current
  default code in the "_user_relationship_blocks_find_user_php" function in "user_relationship_blocks.module"

Theme Developers
There is one theme function and three theme files.

The function is "theme_user_relationship_block_subject" and is used to generate the title of the block

The files are under the "templates" directory and listed below:
  user_relationships-block for "My Relationships: " and "User Relationships: " blocks
  user_relationships-pending_block for pending relationships
  user_relationships-actions_block for relationship actions

Originally Written by JB Christy.
Rewritten by Jeff Smick.
Written originally for and financially supported by OurChart Inc. (


View source
  1. User Relationship Blocks
  2. ------------------------
  3. Provides a few basic blocks for use with User Relationships. Block explanaitions are below.
  4. Send comments to Jeff Smick:, or post an issue at
  6. Requirements
  7. ------------
  8. Drupal 6
  9. User Relationships API
  10. User Relationships UI
  11. Installation
  12. ------------
  13. 1. Enable User Relationship Blocks in the "Site building -> Modules" administration screen.
  14. Blocks
  15. ------
  16. User Relationships: Actions
  17. Some basic actions that can be performed between the current user and the user being viewed*.
  18. This block is useful for those using nodeprofile
  19. My Pending Relationships
  20. Shows all the pending relationship requests, both requested from and of the current user.
  21. My Relationships: All Relationships
  22. Shows all of the current users relationships. The number of relationships and the order
  23. in which they're shown can be configured.
  24. My Relationships: {Relationship Type}
  25. Where {Relationship Type} is a specific relationship type. This will show only the current
  26. user's relationships of the specified type.
  27. User Relationships: All Relationships
  28. Like "My Relationships: All Relationships" only it shows the relationships of the user being
  29. viewed*
  30. User Relationships: {Relationship Type}
  31. Like "My Relationships: {Relationship Type}" only it shows the relationships of the user being
  32. viewed*
  33. * A note about the user being viewed:
  34. This user is found using a PHP function. It can be configured per block to be specific to your site.
  35. This is for more expert users (and is really only needed by expert users). You can find the current
  36. default code in the "_user_relationship_blocks_find_user_php" function in "user_relationship_blocks.module"
  37. Theme Developers
  38. ----------------
  39. There is one theme function and three theme files.
  40. The function is "theme_user_relationship_block_subject" and is used to generate the title of the block
  41. The files are under the "templates" directory and listed below:
  42. user_relationships-block for "My Relationships: " and "User Relationships: " blocks
  43. user_relationships-pending_block for pending relationships
  44. user_relationships-actions_block for relationship actions
  45. Credits
  46. -------
  47. Originally Written by JB Christy.
  48. Rewritten by Jeff Smick.
  49. Written originally for and financially supported by OurChart Inc. (