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README.txt in User Relationships 5.2

User Relationship Views Module

This is a plugin module for the User Relationships module. It allows integration
with the Views module (

Send comments to Jeff Smick:, or post an issue at

Drupal 5
User Relationships Module
Views Module

Enable User Relationship Views in the "Site building -> Modules" administration screen.

  Author's Relationships to Current User: 
    provides a list of relationships the author of a node has with the current user
    can be tunes to show any, only approved, or only non-approved relationships

  Current User's Relationships to Author:
    provides a list of relationships the current user has with the author of a node
    can be tunes to show any, only approved, or only non-approved relationships

  Approval Status:
    shows the approval status of a relationship between the author and the current user
    this is really only useful if you've filtered by a specific relationship

  Relationship Creation Date:
    shows the date/time a relationship between the author and the current user was created
    this is really only useful if you've filtered by a specific relationship

  Author's relationship with Username:
    show only nodes where the author has or does not have a specified relationship with a specified user
    OPERATOR: select if the author is or is not related and if that relationship should be approved, non-approved or either
    VALUE:    the relationship to filter by
    OPTION:   the name of the user the author should relate to

  Author's relationship with the Current User:
    show only nodes where the author has or does not have a specified relationship with the currenly logged in user
    OPERATOR: select if the author is or is not related and if that relationship should be approved, non-approved or either
    VALUE:    the relationship to filter by

    UID is related to Author:
      show only nodes where the author is related to the UID argument
      VALUE: any valid user ID

    Author is related to UID through RTID:
      show only nodes where the author has a relationship type specified by RTID
      This argument should probably be used in conjunction with "UID is related to Author" as a way of filtering by relationship type
      VALUE: any valid rtid for a relationship type

    UID to Author is (Non-)Approved:
      show only nodes where the author has an approved or non-approved relationship
      This argument should probably be used in conjunction with "UID is related to Author" as a way of filtering by approval
      VALUE: 0 = Non-Approved, 1 = Approved
Written by Jeff Smick.
Thanks to Eaton for ideas.


View source
  1. User Relationship Views Module
  2. ---------------------------------
  3. This is a plugin module for the User Relationships module. It allows integration
  4. with the Views module (
  5. Send comments to Jeff Smick:, or post an issue at
  7. Requirements
  8. ------------
  9. Drupal 5
  10. User Relationships Module
  11. Views Module
  12. Installation
  13. ------------
  14. Enable User Relationship Views in the "Site building -> Modules" administration screen.
  15. Usage
  16. ------------
  17. FIELDS
  18. ------
  19. Author's Relationships to Current User:
  20. provides a list of relationships the author of a node has with the current user
  21. can be tunes to show any, only approved, or only non-approved relationships
  22. Current User's Relationships to Author:
  23. provides a list of relationships the current user has with the author of a node
  24. can be tunes to show any, only approved, or only non-approved relationships
  25. Approval Status:
  26. shows the approval status of a relationship between the author and the current user
  27. this is really only useful if you've filtered by a specific relationship
  28. Relationship Creation Date:
  29. shows the date/time a relationship between the author and the current user was created
  30. this is really only useful if you've filtered by a specific relationship
  32. -------
  33. Author's relationship with Username:
  34. show only nodes where the author has or does not have a specified relationship with a specified user
  35. OPERATOR: select if the author is or is not related and if that relationship should be approved, non-approved or either
  36. VALUE: the relationship to filter by
  37. OPTION: the name of the user the author should relate to
  38. Author's relationship with the Current User:
  39. show only nodes where the author has or does not have a specified relationship with the currenly logged in user
  40. OPERATOR: select if the author is or is not related and if that relationship should be approved, non-approved or either
  41. VALUE: the relationship to filter by
  43. ---------
  44. UID is related to Author:
  45. show only nodes where the author is related to the UID argument
  46. VALUE: any valid user ID
  47. Author is related to UID through RTID:
  48. show only nodes where the author has a relationship type specified by RTID
  49. This argument should probably be used in conjunction with "UID is related to Author" as a way of filtering by relationship type
  50. VALUE: any valid rtid for a relationship type
  51. UID to Author is (Non-)Approved:
  52. show only nodes where the author has an approved or non-approved relationship
  53. This argument should probably be used in conjunction with "UID is related to Author" as a way of filtering by approval
  54. VALUE: 0 = Non-Approved, 1 = Approved
  55. Credits
  56. -------
  57. Written by Jeff Smick.
  58. Thanks to Eaton for ideas.