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function theme_user_relationship_block_content in User Relationships 5.2

Generate the content of a non-empty My/User Relationships block


plugins/user_relationship_blocks/user_relationship_blocks.module, line 270


function theme_user_relationship_block_content($viewing_user, $rtid, $relationships) {
  if (!$viewing_user) {
  $rows = array();
  foreach ($relationships as $relationship) {
    if ($viewing_user->uid == $relationship->requester_id) {
      $extra = $relationship->is_oneway ? t(" (You to Them)") : NULL;
      $relatee = user_load(array(
        'uid' => $relationship->requestee_id,
    else {
      $extra = $relationship->is_oneway ? t(" (Them to You)") : NULL;
      $relatee = user_load(array(
        'uid' => $relationship->requester_id,
    $title = "{$relationship->plural_name}{$extra}";
    $user_picture = theme('user_picture', $relatee);
    $username = theme('username', $relatee);
    if (variable_get('user_relationships_show_user_pictures', FALSE)) {
      drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'user_relationship_blocks') . '/user_relationship_blocks.css');

      // If we need to show pictures instead of user names, add a nested list
      // containing the picture and username.
      $display_relatee = array(
        'children' => array(
        // Need to provide blank 'data' element, so theme_item_list resets its
        // internal $data variable, instead of adding onto the end of it.
        'data' => '',
    else {
      $display_relatee = $username;
    if ($rtid == UR_BLOCK_ALL_TYPES) {
      $rows[$title]['data'] = $title;
      $rows[$title]['children'][] = $display_relatee;
    else {
      $rows[$title][] = $display_relatee;
  foreach ($rows as $title => $users) {
    $output[] = theme('item_list', $rtid == UR_BLOCK_ALL_TYPES ? array(
    ) : $users, NULL, 'ul', array(
      'class' => 'user_relationships_related',
  return implode('', $output);