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function user_registrationpassword_confirm_account in User registration password 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 \user_registrationpassword_confirm_account()

Menu callback; process one time login link.

See also


1 string reference to 'user_registrationpassword_confirm_account'
user_registrationpassword_menu in ./user_registrationpassword.module
Implements hook_menu().


./, line 13
User page callback file for the user_registrationpassword module.


function user_registrationpassword_confirm_account($form, &$form_state, $uid, $timestamp, $hashed_pass) {
  global $user;

  // When processing the one-time login link, we have to
  // make sure that a user isn't already logged in.
  if ($user->uid) {

    // The existing user is already logged in.
    if ($user->uid == $uid) {
      drupal_set_message(t('You are currently authenticated as user %user.', array(
        '%user' => $user->name,
      )) . ' ' . l(t('Change your password'), 'user/' . $user->uid . '/edit'));
    else {
      $reset_link_account = user_load($uid);
      if (!empty($reset_link_account)) {
        drupal_set_message(t('Another user (%other_user) is already authenticated to the site, but you tried to use a one-time link for user %resetting_user.', array(
          '%other_user' => $user->name,
          '%resetting_user' => $reset_link_account->name,
        )) . ' ' . t('Please !logout and try using the link again.', array(
          '!logout' => l(t('logout'), 'user/logout'),
      else {

        // Invalid one-time link specifies an unknown user.
        user_registrationpassword_set_message('linkerror', TRUE);
  else {

    // Time out, in seconds, until login URL expires. 24 hours = 86400 seconds.
    $timeout = variable_get('user_registrationpassword_registration_ftll_timeout', 86400);
    $current = REQUEST_TIME;
    $timestamp_created = $timestamp - $timeout;

    // Some redundant checks for extra security ?
    $users = user_load_multiple(array(
    ), array(
      'status' => '0',
      'access' => '0',

    // Timestamp can not be larger then current.
    if ($timestamp_created <= $current && ($account = reset($users))) {

      // Check if we have to enforce expiration for activation links.
      if (variable_get('user_registrationpassword_registration_ftll_expire', FALSE) && !$account->login && $current - $timestamp > $timeout) {
        user_registrationpassword_set_message('linkerror', TRUE);
      elseif ($account->uid && $timestamp >= $account->created && !$account->login && $hashed_pass == user_pass_rehash($account->pass, $timestamp, $account->login, $account->uid)) {

        // Format the date, so the logs are a bit more readable.
        $date = format_date($timestamp);
        watchdog('user', 'User %name used one-time login link at time %timestamp.', array(
          '%name' => $account->name,
          '%timestamp' => $date,

        // Activate the user and update the access and login time to $current.
        $account = user_save($account, array(
          'status' => 1,
          'access' => $current,
          'login' => $current,

        // Set the new user.
        $user = $account;

        // user_login_finalize() also updates the login timestamp of the
        // user, which invalidates further use of the one-time login link.

        // Invoke user_registrationpassword_user_activated so other modules can
        // respond to the user activation.
        module_invoke_all('user_registrationpassword_activated_user', $account);

        // Trigger a rules event.
        // @see
        if (module_exists('rules')) {
          rules_invoke_event('user_registrationpassword_activated', $account);

        // Test for Commerce checkout and redirect to checkout if exists.
        if (module_exists('commerce_checkout_redirect') && module_exists('commerce_cart')) {
          $order_id = commerce_cart_order_id();

          // People need to be coming from the checkout form, and thus
          // have an order ready, so we will forward them to the checkout
          // form if they have an cart order set.
          if (!empty($order_id)) {
            drupal_set_message(t('You have just used your one-time login link. Your account is now active and you are authenticated. You can now continue with checkout.'));
            drupal_goto('checkout/' . $order_id);

        // Display default welcome message.
        drupal_set_message(t('You have just used your one-time login link. Your account is now active and you are authenticated.'));

        // And just redirect to /user if this site does not have commerce,
        // or if the user does not have an order in the cart.
      else {
        user_registrationpassword_set_message('linkerror', TRUE);
    else {

      // Deny access, no more clues.
      // Everything will be in the watchdog's
      // URL for the administrator to check.
      user_registrationpassword_set_message('linkerror', TRUE);