function user_dashboard_page in UserDashboard 7
Dashboard page callback.
@returns array Array with settings in order to theme the page.
bool $launch_customize: Whether to launch in customization mode right away. TRUE or FALSE.
1 string reference to 'user_dashboard_page'
- user_dashboard_menu in ./
user_dashboard.module - Implements hook_menu().
- ./
user_dashboard.module, line 435 - The User Dashboard module forks Drupal 7's awesome Dashboard module to provide an individual dashboard for each user on the site.
function user_dashboard_page($launch_customize = FALSE) {
$js_settings = array(
'dashboard' => array(
'drawer' => url('user/' . arg(1) . '/dashboard/drawer'),
'blockContent' => url('user/' . arg(1) . '/dashboard/block-content'),
'updatePath' => url('user/' . arg(1) . '/dashboard/update'),
'formToken' => drupal_get_token('user-dashboard-update'),
'launchCustomize' => $launch_customize,
'dashboard' => url('user/' . arg(1) . '/dashboard'),
'emptyBlockText' => t('(empty)'),
'emptyRegionTextInactive' => t('This dashboard region is empty. Click <em>Customize dashboard</em> to add blocks to it.'),
'emptyRegionTextActive' => t('DRAG HERE'),
$build = array(
'#theme' => 'user_dashboard_page',
'#message' => t('To customize the dashboard page, move blocks to the dashboard regions on the <a href="@dashboard">Dashboard administration page</a>, or enable JavaScript on this page to use the drag-and-drop interface.', array(
'@dashboard' => url('admin/dashboard/configure'),
'#access' => 1,
'#attached' => array(
'js' => array(
drupal_get_path('module', 'dashboard') . '/dashboard.js',
'data' => $js_settings,
'type' => 'setting',
'library' => array(
return $build;