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function user_badges_save_roles_for_uid in User Badges 7.3

Save information about a particular user's roles for user_badges (in settings)


$roles: An array in the format rid => bid for each role/badge relationship.

1 call to user_badges_save_roles_for_uid()
user_badges_user_update in ./user_badges.module
Implementation of hook_user_update(). Will save the roles for a particular user each time that user is updated.


./user_badges.module, line 1065
@brief User Badges module file


function user_badges_save_roles_for_uid($uid, $roles) {
  if (is_array($roles) && isset($uid)) {

    // We have to clear out all role badges first.
    db_query("DELETE FROM {user_badges_user} WHERE type='role' AND uid = :uid", array(
      ':uid' => $uid,

    // Now we loop through the roles and their badges, and assign them to
    // the user accordingly.
    foreach ($roles as $rid => $bid) {
      if ($bid) {

        //Insert the role for this user into the user badges user table
        db_query("\n          INSERT INTO {user_badges_user} (uid, bid, type)\n          VALUES (:uid, :bid, 'role')", array(
          ':uid' => $uid,
          ':bid' => $bid,