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function theme_upload_element_file_description in Upload element 6

This theming function can be used to assign different text to the description that is found under the file HTML element.


array $element FAPI upload element:

1 theme call to theme_upload_element_file_description()
_upload_element_expand in ./upload_element.module
Our #process callback to expand the control.


./upload_element.module, line 616
A module that provides two new elements to the FAPI for file handling.


function theme_upload_element_file_description($element) {

  // set file validation defaults for the theming functions
  $validation_messages = array();
  if (isset($element['#file_validators']['file_validate_extensions'])) {
    $ext = _upload_element_allowed_extensions($element);
    $validation_messages[] = t('Only files with the following extensions are allowed: %ext.', array(
      '%ext' => implode(', ', $ext),
  elseif (isset($element['#file_validators']['file_validate_is_image'])) {
    $validation_messages[] = t('Only JPEG, PNG and GIF images are allowed.');
  if (isset($element['#file_validators']['file_validate_size'])) {
    $validation_messages[] = t('The maximum upload size is %filesize.', array(
      '%filesize' => format_size($element['#file_validators']['file_validate_size'][0]),
  $validation_messages[] = t('Changes made are not permanent until you save this form.');
  $validator_seperator = isset($element['#file_validator_seperator']) ? $element['#file_validator_seperator'] : '<br />';
  return implode($validator_seperator, $validation_messages);