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Files in Update Status 5.2

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt Update Status 5.x-2.5 (2010-01-18) Bug fixes: o #687368 by dww: Fixed a call-time pass-by-reference bug that was introduced in version 5.x-2.4 via issue #162788. Update Status 5.x-2.4 (2010-01-16) Bug fixes: o #155450 by JoshuaRogers, dww:…
README.txt README.txt OVERVIEW ======== The "update status" module queries to see if there are new versions of Drupal core and any modules that you are running. It produces an available updates report at admin/logs/updates: Administer >> Logs…
update_status.css update_status.css .update-status .project { font-weight: bold; font-size: 110%; padding-left: .25em; height: 22px; } .update-status .version-status { float: right; padding-right: 10px; font-size: 110%; height: 20px; } .update-status .version-status… name = Update status description = Checks to see if your installation of Drupal and its modules are up to date.
update_status.install update_status.install
update_status.module update_status.module

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