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function unpublished_nodes_redirect_admin_settings_form_validate in Unpublished Nodes Redirect 7

Validate the admin settings form.


./, line 57
Admin page callbacks for the Unpublished Nodes Redirect module.


function unpublished_nodes_redirect_admin_settings_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
  foreach (_unpublished_nodes_redirect_get_node_types() as $key => $type) {

    // Validate whether the provided redirect paths are all internal.
    $element_name = $key . '_unpublished_redirect_path';
    $submitted_redirect_path = $form_state['values'][$element_name];
    if (!empty($submitted_redirect_path) && url_is_external($submitted_redirect_path)) {
      form_set_error($element_name, t('The path provided needs to be an internal path.'));

    // If a path is provided, make sure a response code is selected.
    $element_name = $key . '_unpublished_redirect_response_code';
    $submitted_response_code = $form_state['values'][$element_name];
    if (!empty($submitted_redirect_path) && $submitted_response_code == 0) {
      form_set_error($element_name, t('Please select a response code for the @type content type.', array(
        '@type' => $type->name,