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protected function AbstractUnitsMathematicalOperator::evaluateOperands in Units of Measurement 7.2

Numerically evaluate both operands and return them as an array.

Return value

array Array of length 2: the 2 operands numerically evaluated

4 calls to AbstractUnitsMathematicalOperator::evaluateOperands()
AbstractUnitsMathematicalOperator::dimension in ./units.module
Determine physical dimension of this mathematical expression.
AbstractUnitsMathematicalOperator::evaluate in ./units.module
Numerically evaluate this mathematical expression.
AbstractUnitsMathematicalOperator::formatQuantity in ./units.module
Format a certain amount of quantity within this mathematical expression.
AbstractUnitsMathematicalOperator::isolateOperand in ./units.module
Numerically isolate a certain operand of this mathematical expression.


./units.module, line 1570
Provide API for managing and converting units of measurement.


Abstract implementation of "mathematical operator" interface.


protected function evaluateOperands() {
  $evaluate1 = $this->operand1
  $evaluate2 = $this->operand2
  if (is_null($evaluate1)) {
    $evaluate1 = $this->operator['transparent operand1'];
  if (is_null($evaluate2)) {
    $evaluate2 = $this->operator['transparent operand2'];
  return array(