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function _ultimate_cron_poorman_page_flush in Ultimate Cron 7.2

Output buffer callback for poormans cron early page flush.


string $content: The content of the output buffer.

Return value

string The content of the output buffer.

1 string reference to '_ultimate_cron_poorman_page_flush' in ./
Poormans cron functions.


./, line 16
Poormans cron functions.


function _ultimate_cron_poorman_page_flush($content) {
  if (empty($GLOBALS['ultimate_cron_page_flush'])) {
    return $content;

  // Check output buffer handlers to determine if we can safely
  // set the content size in the http header.
  $handlers = ob_list_handlers();

  // Pop ourselves off...

  // We can safe ignore default output handlers.
  $default = array_keys($handlers, 'default output handler');
  foreach ($default as $key) {

  // We can also safely ignore zlib output handlers, if we remember to
  // disable compression.
  if ($zlib = array_keys($handlers, 'zlib output compression')) {
    foreach ($zlib as $key) {
    ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');

  // If there are any unknown handlers left, we cannot safely set the
  // Content-Length.
  if (empty($handlers)) {
    $size = strlen($content);
    header("Content-Length: {$size}");

  // In any case, we can always tell the client to close the connection.
  header("Connection: close");
  return $content;