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function _ultimate_cron_job_load_all in Ultimate Cron 7.2

CTools Export load all callback.


bool $reset: (optional) Reset the ctools export object cache.

Return value

array Array of UltimateCronJob objects.

13 calls to _ultimate_cron_job_load_all()
drush_ultimate_cron_cron_disable in ./
Disable a cron job.
drush_ultimate_cron_cron_enable in ./
Enable a cron job.
drush_ultimate_cron_cron_list in ./
List cron jobs.
drush_ultimate_cron_cron_unlock in ./
Unlock a cron job.
UltimateCronBackgroundProcessLegacyLauncher::poormanLauncher in plugins/ultimate_cron/launcher/background_process_legacy.class.php
Poorman launcher background process callback.

... See full list

2 string references to '_ultimate_cron_job_load_all'
ultimate_cron_schema in ./ultimate_cron.install
Implements hook_schema().
ultimate_cron_update_7200 in ./ultimate_cron.install
Rename columns and indices to 2.x style.


./ultimate_cron.module, line 401


function _ultimate_cron_job_load_all($reset = FALSE) {
  static $cache = NULL;
  if (!$reset && isset($cache)) {
    return $cache;
  $raw_jobs = _ultimate_cron_job_load_all_raw($reset);
  $jobs = array();
  foreach (ultimate_cron_get_hooks($reset) as $name => $hook) {
    $jobs[$name] = ultimate_cron_prepare_job($name, $hook, isset($raw_jobs[$name]) ? $raw_jobs[$name] : NULL);
  $cache = $jobs;
  return $cache;