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function template_preprocess_uikit_video in UIkit Components 8.3

Prrpares variables for UIkit Video templates.

Default template: uikit-video.html.twig.


$variables:: An associative array containing:

  • element: An associative array containing:

    • #embed_iframe: The embed code to display the video. This should be the the full embed code from the video's source and contain the

element. The various embed options, such as displaying the video controls, should also be included. If this is set, do not set the #video_sources property.

  • #video_sources: An array of full-qualified URLs to the video sources. Each source should have a different video extension to provide a fallback source for browser compatibility. If only one source is provided and the browser does not support the video's file extension, the video will not display. If this is set, do not set the #embed_iframe property.
  • #display_controls: A boolean indicating whether to display the controls when the #video_sources property is set. This is ignored if the #embed_iframe property is set.
  • #component_options: An array containing the component options to apply to the video. These must be in the form of "option: value" in order to work correctly.

See also


Related topics


includes/, line 454
Set up variables to be placed within the template (.html.twig) files.


function template_preprocess_uikit_video(&$variables) {
  $element = $variables['element'];
  $variables['embed_iframe'] = $element['#embed_iframe'];

  // Set the attributes for the video.
  $variables['attributes'] = $element['#attributes'];

  // Set the type of content to display for the video.
  if (!empty($element['#embed_iframe'])) {

    // Create a new DomDocument so we can extract the attributes from the
    // user-defined embed code.
    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    $iframe = $dom
    if ($iframe
      ->hasAttributes()) {
      foreach ($iframe->attributes as $attribute) {

        // Add each attribute to the attributes variable.
        $name = $attribute->nodeName;
        $value = $attribute->nodeValue;
          ->setAttribute($name, $value);
  elseif (!empty($element['#video_sources'])) {

    // Multiple sources are in an array so the user-defined sources can have a
    // fallback video extension for better user experience.
    foreach ($element['#video_sources'] as $source) {

      // Set the src attribute for the video.
      $attributes = new Attribute();
        ->setAttribute('src', $source);

      // Use the mime stream wrapper class to retrieve the mime type for the
      // source.
      $wrapper = new MimeStreamWrapper();
      $file_info = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME);
      $mime_type = $file_info
        ->getStreamPath(), FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE, $wrapper

      // Set the type attribute to use the mime type for the source.
        ->setAttribute('type', $mime_type);

      // Set the source's attributes variable.
      $variables['sources'][] = [
        'attributes' => $attributes,