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function template_preprocess_uikit_alert in UIkit Components 8.3

Prrpares variables for UIkit Alert templates.

Default template: uikit-alert.html.twig.


$variables:: An associative array containing:

  • element: An associative array containing:

    • #message: The message to display in the alert.
    • #style: The style of the alert. Possible values:
      • primary: Give the message a prominent styling.
      • success: Indicates success or a positive message.
      • warning: Indicates a message containing a warning.
      • danger: Indicates an important or error message.

      Defaults to "primary".

    • #close_button: Boolean indicating whether to include a close button in the alert. Defaults to FALSE.

See also


Related topics


includes/, line 72
Set up variables to be placed within the template (.html.twig) files.


function template_preprocess_uikit_alert(&$variables) {
  $element = $variables['element'];

  // Set the attributes for the alert.
  $variables['attributes'] = $element['#attributes'];

  // Set the properties for the alert.
  $variables['message'] = $element['#message'];
  $variables['style'] = $element['#style'];
  $variables['close_button'] = $element['#close_button'];