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Functions in UEditor - 百度编辑器 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
ueditor_add_colorbox ./ueditor.module Add colorbox tag for ueditor image. 1
ueditor_block_save_form_submit ./ueditor.module support block when create a custom block with use ueditor. 1
ueditor_config_default ./ueditor.module Default ueditor config array. 3
ueditor_delete_file ./ueditor.module Deletes a file in the file list. 3
ueditor_delete_filepath ./ueditor.module Deletes a file by uri. 1
ueditor_entity_delete ./ueditor.module Implements hook_entity_delete().
ueditor_entity_insert ./ueditor.module Implements hook_entity_insert().
ueditor_entity_presave ./ueditor.module Implements hook_entity_presave().
ueditor_entity_update ./ueditor.module Implementation of hook_entity_update().
ueditor_entity_view ./ueditor.module Implements hook_entity_view().
ueditor_file_register ./ueditor.module Registers the file as an ueditor file. 3
ueditor_form_alter ./ueditor.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
ueditor_get_savepath ./ueditor.module ueditor get the save path. 8
ueditor_global_settings ./ueditor.module Config options for ueditor global settings. 1
ueditor_global_settings_submit ./ueditor.module Submit callback for ueditor global settings form.
ueditor_global_settings_validate ./ueditor.module Validator for the ueditor_global_settings() form.
ueditor_init ./ueditor.module Implementation of hook_init().
ueditor_install ./ueditor.install Implements hook_install().
ueditor_menu ./ueditor.module Implements hook_menu().
ueditor_permission ./ueditor.module Implements hook_permission().
ueditor_register_filepath ./ueditor.module Register a file by uri. 1
ueditor_replace_pagebeaketag ./ueditor.module Replace page break tag. 1
ueditor_settings editors/ Return runtime editor settings for a given wysiwyg profile. 1
ueditor_settings_form editors/ Enhances the editor profile settings form for UEditor. 1
ueditor_settings_form_validate_uploadpath editors/ Deal with settings form submit. 1
ueditor_ueditor_editor editors/ Plugin implementation of hook_editor().
ueditor_uninstall ./ueditor.install Implements hook_uninstall().
ueditor_unreplace_pagebeaketag ./ueditor.module Unreplace page break tag. 1
ueditor_version editors/ Detect editor version. 1
ueditor_wysiwyg_include_directory ./ueditor.module Implements hook_wysiwyg_include_directory().
_ueditor_controller ./ueditor.module The main entrance of ueditor command. 1
_ueditor_get_editor_fields ./ueditor.module ueditor match fields with use ueditor. 6
_ueditor_get_wysiwyg ./ueditor.module ueditor get profiles with use ueditor. 6
_ueditor_global_settings_validate_path ./ueditor.module Helper function for the system_theme_settings form. 2
_ueditor_page_match ./ueditor.module ueditor match pages with current path. 1
_ueditor_realpath ./ueditor.module Change %path to realpath. 2
_ueditor_toolbars editors/ Convert toolbars array of string. 1

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