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uc_wishlist.module in UC Wish List 8

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  1. 6 uc_wishlist.module
  2. 7 uc_wishlist.module

Allows users to create public shopping/wish lists.


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 * @file
 * Allows users to create public shopping/wish lists.
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormState;
use Drupal\uc_order\Entity\Order;

 * Implements hook_theme().
function uc_wishlist_theme() {
  return [
    'uc_wishlist_view_wishlist' => [
      'variables' => [
        'form' => NULL,
        'expired' => FALSE,
        'expiration_date' => NULL,
        'message' => NULL,
        'wishlist' => NULL,
        'email_link' => NULL,
    'uc_wishlist_block_title' => [
      'variables' => [
        'wishlist_image' => NULL,
        'uc_wishlist_path' => FALSE,
        'arrow_up_image' => FALSE,
    'uc_wishlist_block_content' => [
      'variables' => [],
    'uc_wishlist_view_form' => [
      'render element' => 'form',

 * Implements hook_form_alter().
 * Alter uc_product_add_to_cart_form instances to include 'add to wish list'
 * button. Form submission is routed through uc_wishlist_add_to_wishlist
 * to differentiate between 'add to cart' and 'add to wish list'. If this
 * module is added to Ubercart core, then this can be simplified.
 * Alter uc_cart_checkout_form to include by default the delivery address
 * of a wish list's owner, if items come from a single wish list.
function uc_wishlist_form_alter(&$form, FormState $form_state, $form_id) {
  if (strpos($form_id, 'uc_product_add_to_cart_form_') === 0 || strpos($form_id, 'uc_product_kit_add_to_cart_form_') === 0) {
    $user = \Drupal::currentUser();

    // Allow users which has 'create wish lists' permissions.
    if (!$user
      ->hasPermission('create wish lists')) {
    $moduleHandler = \Drupal::service('module_handler');

    // ['args'][0];.
    $product = $form_state

    // Check only stock active products, and if not, bail out.
    $config = \Drupal::config('uc_wishlist.settings');
    if (!$config
      ->get('uc_wishlist_out_of_stock')) {
      if ($moduleHandler
        ->moduleExists('uc_stock')) {
        $stock_level = uc_stock_level($product->model);
        if ($stock_level !== FALSE && $stock_level <= 0) {
    $pid = $form['nid']['#value'];
    $wishlist_manager = \Drupal::service('uc_wishlist.manager');
    $wid = uc_wishlist_get_wid();

    // Check to see if the users wishlist has been created.
    if ($wid == NULL || empty($wid)) {

      // Add the wish list button to the add to cart form because this users wishlist hasnt been made yet.
      $form['actions']['wishlist'] = [
        '#type' => 'submit',
        '#attributes' => [
          'class' => [
        '#value' => t('Add to wish list'),
        '#submit' => [
        '#weight' => 1,
    else {

      // Make sure this product isnt already in the users wish list.
      $wishlistProduct = $wishlist_manager
        ->isProductInWishlist($wid, $pid);
      if (is_object($wishlistProduct[0])) {

        // dpm($wishlistProduct[0]);
        // the product was found in the user's wishlist so display the remove from wishlist button on the add to cart form.
        $form['actions']['wishlist'] = [
          '#type' => 'submit',
          '#attributes' => [
            'class' => [
          '#value' => t('Remove from wish list'),
          '#submit' => [
          '#weight' => 1,
      else {

        // Product is not in the users wishlist.
        $form['actions']['wishlist'] = [
          '#type' => 'submit',
          '#attributes' => [
            'class' => [
          '#value' => t('Add to wish list'),
          '#submit' => [
          '#weight' => 1,

  // Checking if the product is added from wishlist in checkout page.
  if ($form_id == 'uc_cart_checkout_form') {
    if (isset($form['panes']['cart']['cart_review_table']['#items']) && !empty($form['panes']['cart']['cart_review_table']['#items'])) {
      $items = $form['panes']['cart']['cart_review_table']['#items'];
      $wids = [];
      foreach ($items as $item) {
        if (!empty($item->data['wid'])) {
          $wids[] = $item->data['wid'];
      $wids = array_unique($wids);
      if (count($wids) > 1) {
        drupal_set_message(t('This order contains items from multiple wish lists. It is not possible to automatically address this order for its recipient.'));
      elseif (count($wids) == 1) {
        $wishlist = uc_wishlist_load($wids[0]);
        if (variable_get('uc_wishlist_save_address', TRUE) && !empty($wishlist->address->firstname) && !empty($wishlist->address->lastname) && !empty($wishlist->address->addr1) && !empty($wishlist->address->postcode) && is_object($form['panes']['delivery']['address']['#default_value']) && empty($form['panes']['delivery']['address']['#default_value']->delivery_first_name)) {
          $order = Order::load($_SESSION['cart_order']);
          if ($order) {
            $defaults = $order;
            $defaults->delivery_first_name = $wishlist->address->firstname;
            $defaults->delivery_last_name = $wishlist->address->lastname;
            $defaults->delivery_company = $wishlist->address->company;
            $defaults->delivery_street1 = $wishlist->address->addr1;
            $defaults->delivery_street2 = $wishlist->address->addr2;
            $defaults->delivery_city = $wishlist->address->city;
            $defaults->delivery_country = $wishlist->address->country;
            $defaults->delivery_zone = $wishlist->address->zone;
            $defaults->delivery_postal_code = $wishlist->address->postcode;
            $defaults->delivery_phone = $wishlist->address->phone;
            $form['panes']['delivery']['address']['#default_value'] = $defaults;
            drupal_set_message(t('This order contains items from a wish list. The delivery address has been automatically set to the preferred address from the wish list. You may change this address.'));

function uc_wishlist_remove_from_wishlist_submit($form, FormState $form_state) {
  $wishlist_manager = \Drupal::service('uc_wishlist.manager');
  $pid = $form_state
  $node = Node::load($pid);
  $productTitle = $node
  drupal_set_message(t('@product_title was removed from your wish list.', [
    '@product_title' => $productTitle,
    '@url' => Url::fromRoute('uc_wishlist.wishlist')

 * Submit handler of the uc_wishlist_add_to_wishlist.
 * See comment for uc_wishlist_form_alter: This function handles submission
 * of uc_product_add_to_cart_form and differentiates between 'add to cart'
 * and 'add to wish list' functions.
function uc_wishlist_add_to_wishlist_submit($form, FormState $form_state) {

  // Add the item to the user's wish list.
    ->getValue('nid'), $form_state

 * Creates a new wishlist for the current authenticated or anonymous user.
function uc_wishlist_create_wishlist($title = NULL) {
  $user = \Drupal::currentUser();

  // Abort if user is not logged in and anonymous wish lists are not allowed.
  if (!$user
    ->id() && !$user
    ->hasPermission('create wish lists')) {
    drupal_set_message(t('You must be logged in to create a wish list. Please <a href="@login_url">login</a> or <a href="@register_url">register</a>.', [
      '@login_url' => Url::fromRoute('user.login'),
      '@register_url' => Url::fromRoute('user.register'),
    return FALSE;

  // Get the current user ID for the wish list.
  $uid = uc_wishlist_get_uid();
  $config = \Drupal::config('uc_wishlist.settings');
  if (empty($title)) {
    $title = $config
  $title = '%user\'s wish list.';
  if (strpos($title, '%user') !== FALSE) {
    $uname = $user
    $title = str_replace('%user', $uname, $title);
  $expiration = REQUEST_TIME + $config
  $private = $config
    ->get('uc_wishlist_default_private') ? $config
    ->get('uc_wishlist_default_private') : 0;
  $wishlist_manager = \Drupal::service('uc_wishlist.manager');
  $fields = [
  $values = [
  $wishlist_manager = \Drupal::service('uc_wishlist.manager');
  $result = $id = $wishlist_manager
    ->createWishlist($fields, $values);
  if ($result) {
    return $id;
  return FALSE;

 * Adds an item to a user's wish list.
function uc_wishlist_add_item($nid, $qty = 1, $data = NULL, $wid = NULL, $msg = TRUE, $check_redirect = TRUE) {
  $wid = $wid ? $wid : uc_wishlist_get_wid();
  $created = FALSE;
  if (!$wid || $wid === NULL) {
    $wid = uc_wishlist_create_wishlist();
    if (!$wid) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Could not create wish list. Adding item failed.'), 'error');
      return FALSE;
    $created = TRUE;
  $node = Node::load($nid);

  // Adding data variables.
  if (empty($data)) {
    $data = [
      'module' => 'uc_product',
  elseif (!array_key_exists('module', $data)) {
    $data['module'] = 'uc_product';

  // $data = $node;
  // If Product Kit is enable, then add products into data array.
  $moduleHandler = \Drupal::service('module_handler');

    if ($moduleHandler->moduleExists('uc_product_kit') && $node->getType() == 'product_kit') {

    // Adding products of the product kit into data object.
    $products = $node->products;

    foreach ($products as $pid => $product) {

    $data['products'][$pid]['nid'] = $pid;
    $data['products'][$pid]['qty'] = $product->qty;

    // Creating attributes array.
    $attributes = array();

    // Getting attributes list of the product.
    $product_attributes = $product->attributes;

    // Iterating through the attributes list.
    foreach ($product_attributes as $aid => $product_attribute) {
    $attribute[$product_attribute->aid] = $product_attribute->default_option;

    // Assigning attributes to data array.
    $data['products'][$pid]['attributes'] = $attributes;

  // If product kit module is install in the site, then we need to check if the
  // product is product kit or product.

    if ($moduleHandler->moduleExists('uc_product_kit')) {
    $supported_node_types = array_merge(array_keys(uc_product_node_info()), array_keys(uc_product_kit_node_info()));
    else {
    $supported_node_types = array_keys(uc_product_node_info());

    // Checking if the node is product type or product kit type.

    if (!in_array($node->type, $supported_node_types)) {
    drupal_set_message(t('@title is not a product. Unable to add to wish list.', array('@title' => $node->title)), 'error');

    $result = $moduleHandler->invokeAll('add_to_cart', $nid, $qty, $data);
    if (is_array($result) && !empty($result)) {
    foreach ($result as $row) {
    if ($row['success'] === FALSE) {
    if (isset($row['message']) && !empty($row['message'])) {
    $message = $row['message'];
    else {
    $message = t('Sorry, that item is not available for purchase at this time.');
    drupal_set_message(\Drupal\Component\Utility\Xss::filter($message), 'error');
  $wishlist_manager = \Drupal::service('uc_wishlist.manager');
  $item = $wishlist_manager
    ->getWishlistItem($wid, $nid, $data);

  // If the item isn't in the cart yet, add it.
  if (is_null($item) || $item === FALSE) {
    $fields = [
    $values = [
    $id = $wishlist_manager
      ->createWishlistProduct($fields, $values);
    $productTitle = $node

    // dpm($productTitle);
    if ($msg) {
      drupal_set_message(t('<b>@product-title</b> was added to <a href="@url">your wish list</a>.', [
        '@product-title' => $productTitle,
        '@url' => Url::fromRoute('uc_wishlist.wishlist')
  else {

    // Update the item instead.
    $qty += $item->qty;
    $wpid = $item->wpid;
    uc_product_update_wishlist_item($nid, $data, min($qty, 999999), $wid, $wpid);
    if ($msg) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Your <a href="@url">wish list</a> has been updated.', [
        '@url' => Url::fromRoute('uc_wishlist.wishlist')

 * Update information about a specific item in current wish list.
function uc_product_update_wishlist_item($nid, $data = [], $qty, $wid = NULL, $wpid = NULL) {
  if (!$nid) {
    return NULL;
  $wid = $wid ? $wid : uc_wishlist_get_wid();
  if ($qty < 1) {
    $wpid = $wpid ? $wpid : $data['wpid'];
  else {
      'qty' => $qty,
      'changed' => REQUEST_TIME,
      ->condition('wpid', $wpid)
  if (strpos(\Drupal::request()
    ->getRequestUri(), 'wishlist', 1) !== FALSE) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Your item(s) have been updated.'));

 * Submit callback handler for wishlistviewform add to cart action.
function addToCart(array &$form, FormState $form_state) {

  // $form_state->get();
  $submitButton = $form_state
  $buttonName = $submitButton;

  // The add to cart button was pressed on a product in the wish list
  // explode the button name to get the product id.
  $names = explode('-', $buttonName);
  $pid = $names[1];
  $values = $form_state
  $nid = $values['items'][$pid]['nid'];
  $qty = $values['items'][$pid]['qty'];
  $data = [
    'nid' => $nid,
    'qty' => $qty,
  $data = \Drupal::moduleHandler()
    ->invokeAll('uc_add_to_cart_data', [
  $msg = TRUE;
  $cart = \Drupal::service('uc_cart.manager')
  $redirect = $cart
    ->addItem($nid, $qty, $data, $msg);
    ->set('variant', uc_product_load_variant($qty, $data));
  if (isset($redirect)) {

 * Return the wish list ID of the specified user (defaults to current user).
function uc_wishlist_get_wid($uid = NULL) {

  // Find the wish list matching the authenticated or anonymous user ID.
  // TODO: Handle multiple wishlists?
  if (empty($uid)) {

    // uc_wishlist_get_uid();
    $uid = \Drupal::currentUser()
  $wishlist_manager = \Drupal::service('uc_wishlist.manager');
  return $wishlist_manager

 * Get either an authenticated user's uid or an anonymous user's unique ID.
function uc_wishlist_get_uid() {
  $user = \Drupal::currentUser();

  // Get either an authenticated user's uid or an anonymous user's unique ID.
  if ($user
    ->id()) {
    $uid = $user
  else {
    if (!isset($_SESSION['uc_wishlist_uid']) || empty($_SESSION['uc_wishlist_uid'])) {
      $_SESSION['uc_wishlist_uid'] = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE));
    $uid = $_SESSION['uc_wishlist_uid'];
  return $uid;

 * Load a wish list object from the database.
 * @param numeric $wid
 *   The wish list ID to load; if NULL, looks for the current user's wish list.
 * @return object
 *   A wish list object.
function uc_wishlist_load($wid) {
  if (empty($wid)) {
    $wid = uc_wishlist_get_wid();
  if (!$wid || !is_numeric($wid)) {
    return FALSE;
  $wishlist_manager = \Drupal::service('uc_wishlist.manager');
  $result = $wishlist_manager
  if ($wishlist = $result
    ->fetchObject()) {
    $wishlist->address = unserialize($wishlist->address);
    return $wishlist;

 * Get the items in a specified wish list.
function uc_wishlist_get_contents($wid = NULL) {
  $wid = $wid ? $wid : uc_wishlist_get_wid();
  if (!$wid || !is_numeric($wid)) {
    return FALSE;
  $items = [];
  $wishlist_manager = \Drupal::service('uc_wishlist.manager');
  $res = $wishlist_manager

  // dpm($res);
  // Iterating through the array.
  foreach ($res as $item) {
    $product = Node::load($item->nid);
    $item->model = $product
    $item->price = $product

    // $item->price = $product->get('sell_price');.
    $item->weight = $product

    // $item->weight_units = $product->get('weight_units');.
    $item->shippable = $product
    $item->data = unserialize($item->data);
    $item->module = $item->data['module'];
    $item->purchase = unserialize($item->purchase);
    $item->options = [];
    $item->qty = $item->qty;
    $item->haveqty = 1;

    // Add wishlist id data.
    $item->data['wid'] = $item->wid;
    $item->data['wpid'] = $item->wpid;
    $items[] = $item;
  return $items;


Namesort descending Description
addToCart Submit callback handler for wishlistviewform add to cart action.
uc_product_update_wishlist_item Update information about a specific item in current wish list.
uc_wishlist_add_item Adds an item to a user's wish list.
uc_wishlist_add_to_wishlist_submit Submit handler of the uc_wishlist_add_to_wishlist.
uc_wishlist_create_wishlist Creates a new wishlist for the current authenticated or anonymous user.
uc_wishlist_form_alter Implements hook_form_alter().
uc_wishlist_get_contents Get the items in a specified wish list.
uc_wishlist_get_uid Get either an authenticated user's uid or an anonymous user's unique ID.
uc_wishlist_get_wid Return the wish list ID of the specified user (defaults to current user).
uc_wishlist_load Load a wish list object from the database.
uc_wishlist_theme Implements hook_theme().