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Functions in Ubercart Stripe 7.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
drush_uc_stripe_subscription_cancel ./ Command callback
get_order_metadata ./uc_stripe.module 2
hook_uc_stripe_payment_intent_alter ./uc_stripe.api.php Allows other modules to alter intent params before Stripe Payment Intent is created. This is used for one time charges.
hook_uc_stripe_recurring_intent_alter ./uc_stripe.api.php Allows other modules to alter recurring charge payment intent params before Stripe Payment Intent is created. This is used for recurring charges.
uc_stripe_authenticate_payment_form ./ Implements hook_form(). 1
uc_stripe_authenticate_payment_form_submit ./
uc_stripe_cancel ./uc_stripe.module UC Recurring: Cancel a recurring fee. This runs when subscriptions are cancelled Since we're handling charge intervals in ubercart, this doesn't need to do anything. 1
uc_stripe_charge ./uc_stripe.module Generic "charge" callback that runs on checkout and via the order's "card" terminal 1
uc_stripe_checkout_form_customsubmit ./uc_stripe.module Custom submit function to store the stripe token 1
uc_stripe_drush_command ./ Implements hook_drush_command().
uc_stripe_form_uc_cart_checkout_form_alter ./uc_stripe.module Implements hook_form_FORMID_alter() to change the checkout form All work as a result is done in JS, the ordinary post does not happen.
uc_stripe_form_uc_cart_checkout_review_form_alter ./uc_stripe.module Implements hook_form_FORMID_alter() to do JS Stripe processing when processing from the order review page
uc_stripe_form_uc_payment_method_settings_form_alter ./uc_stripe.module Implements hook_form_FORMID_alter()
uc_stripe_install ./uc_stripe.install Implements hook_install().
uc_stripe_libraries_info ./uc_stripe.module
uc_stripe_mail ./ Implements hook_mail().
uc_stripe_mail_tokens ./ Token callback that adds the authentication link to user mails. 1
uc_stripe_menu ./uc_stripe.module Implements hook_menu().
uc_stripe_order_pane_stripe ./uc_stripe.module Implements uc_order_pane_callback() specified in 'callback' of uc_stripe_uc_order_pane() 1
uc_stripe_process ./uc_stripe.module UC Recurring: Process a new recurring fee. This runs when subscriptions are "set up" for the first time. There is no action to be taken here except returning TRUE because the customer ID is already stored with the user, where it can be… 1
uc_stripe_recurring_info ./uc_stripe.module Implements hook_recurring_info() to integrate with uc_recurring
uc_stripe_renew ./uc_stripe.module Handle renewing a recurring fee, called by uc_recurring 1
uc_stripe_requirements ./uc_stripe.install Implements hook_requirements().
uc_stripe_schema ./uc_stripe.install Implements hook_schema().
uc_stripe_settings_form ./uc_stripe.module Provide configuration form for uc_stripe 1
uc_stripe_settings_form_validate ./uc_stripe.module Validation function and normalize keys (trim spaces) 1
uc_stripe_theme_registry_alter ./uc_stripe.module Implements hook_theme_registry_alter() to make sure that we render the entire credit form, including the key returned by JS.
uc_stripe_uc_checkout_complete ./uc_stripe.module Implements hook_uc_checkout_complete()
uc_stripe_uc_checkout_pane ./uc_stripe.module Implements hook_uc_checkout_pane to add checkout pane for stripe payment details
uc_stripe_uc_order_pane ./uc_stripe.module Implements hook_order_pane to provide the stripe customer info
uc_stripe_uc_payment_gateway ./uc_stripe.module Implements hook_payment_gateway to register this payment gateway
uc_stripe_uc_payment_method_credit_form ./uc_stripe.module Replace uc_credit's form themeing with our own - adds stripe_token. 1
uc_stripe_uninstall ./uc_stripe.install Implements hook_uninstall().
uc_stripe_update_7201 ./uc_stripe.install Enable triggered renewals, as uc_recurring manages renewals with this version.
uc_stripe_update_7202 ./uc_stripe.install Move customer IDs from uc_recurring_stripe into account
uc_stripe_update_7203 ./uc_stripe.install Make sure cached library information is not used.
uc_stripe_update_7301 ./uc_stripe.install Creates table to track orders that require extra authentication verification.
uc_stripe_update_7302 ./uc_stripe.install Changes typo in variable uc_stripe_authenticaiton_required_email.
_generatePaymentResponse ./uc_stripe.module Used to return the appropriate response after checking Stripe Payment Intent status 1
_uc_stripe_check_api_keys ./uc_stripe.module Check that all API keys are configured. 2
_uc_stripe_confirm_payment ./uc_stripe.module Ajax page callback for callback uc_stripe/ajax/confirm_payment page This is used to send payment and intent status back to JS client 1
_uc_stripe_create_idempotency_key ./uc_stripe.module Creates an idempotency key to prevent duplicate requests in Stripe API. 2
_uc_stripe_create_stripe_customer ./uc_stripe.module 1
_uc_stripe_get_authentication_required_email_text ./ This function returns the default off session authention email text. 2
_uc_stripe_get_customer_id ./uc_stripe.module Retrieve the Stripe customer id for a user 4
_uc_stripe_get_element_styles_array ./uc_stripe.module 1
_uc_stripe_get_payment_id ./uc_stripe.module Retrieve the Stripe payment id for a user 2
_uc_stripe_is_stripe_id_valid ./uc_stripe.module 1
_uc_stripe_load_library ./uc_stripe.install Load the PHP API 2
_uc_stripe_move_customer_id ./uc_stripe.install Move customer ids from uc_recurring_stripe into user account 1


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