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function uc_dropdown_attributes_post_render in Dropdown Attributes 7

Add the style to hide the attribute.


string $html: HTML for the element.

Return value

string Modified element HTML.

5 string references to 'uc_dropdown_attributes_post_render'
uc_dropdown_attributes_order_attribute_display in ./uc_dropdown_attributes.module
Alter display of attributes on the oder page.
_uc_dropdown_attributes_class_build in ./uc_dropdown_attributes.module
Form build for classes.
_uc_dropdown_attributes_kit_build in ./uc_dropdown_attributes.module
Form build for product kits.
_uc_dropdown_attributes_order_class_kit_build in ./uc_dropdown_attributes.module
Form build for classes in product kits for the order page.
_uc_dropdown_attributes_product_build in ./uc_dropdown_attributes.module
Form build for products.


./uc_dropdown_attributes.module, line 544
Show/hide attributes based on the values of other attributes.


function uc_dropdown_attributes_post_render($html) {
  $pos = strpos($html, '>');
  $html = substr_replace($html, ' style="display:none;">', $pos, 1);
  return $html;