12 calls to UcAddressesAddressBook::newAddress() in Ubercart Addresses 7
- FeedsUcAddressesProcessor::newEntity in feeds/
FeedsUcAddressesProcessor.inc - Creates a new address in memory and returns it.
- hook_uc_addresses_select_addresses in ./
uc_addresses.api.php - With this hook you can deliver an array of addresses on which the user can select one at checkout or when editing the order, depending on the context $context.
- UcAddressesAddress::newAddress in class/
UcAddressesAddress.class.php - Create a new unowned address.
- UcAddressesApiTestCase::testFieldHandlerApi in tests/
uc_addresses.api.test - Tests field handler with an UcAddressesSchemaAddress.
- UcAddressesCartCheckoutTestCase::doDefaultAddressesTests in tests/
uc_addresses.checkout.test - Checkout with the default addresses.
- UcAddressesEntityCase::testUcAddressesPropertyGet in tests/
uc_addresses.entity.test - Tests getting uc_addresses property on an address.
- UcAddressesEntityCase::testUcAddressesPropertySet in tests/
uc_addresses.entity.test - Tests setting uc_addresses property on an address.
- UcAddressesEntityController::create in class/
uc_addresses.entity.inc - Overrides EntityAPIController::create().
- UcAddressesTestCase::doAddressValuesDisplayedTests in tests/
UcAddressesTestCase.test - Test if these address values are displayed on the page.
- UcAddressesTestCase::getEditAddressValues in tests/
UcAddressesTestCase.test - Generates an array of values to post into an address form
- uc_addresses_form_user_register_form_alter in ./
uc_addresses.module - Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for form user_register_form().
- uc_addresses_get_select_addresses in ./
uc_addresses.module - Returns an array of addresses to be used for the selecting address widget.