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UcAddressesAddressBook.class.php in Ubercart Addresses 7

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  1. 6.2 class/UcAddressesAddressBook.class.php

Contains the UcAddressesAddressBook class.


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 * @file
 * Contains the UcAddressesAddressBook class.

 * The address book class
 * The goal of the address book class is to hold a list of addresses that are
 * currently loaded or added during the request. It is designed so that when
 * the address book is asked for the same address twice during one request,
 * it doesn't need to look it up in the database again.
 * Each instance of the address book class belongs to one user and each user can
 * only have one address book.
class UcAddressesAddressBook {

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Performance hint setting.
  const PERF_HINT_LOAD_ONE = 0;
  const PERF_HINT_LOAD_ALL = 1;

  // Load by.
  const BY_AID = 0;
  const BY_NAME = 1;

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * An array of UcAddressesAddressBook objects.
   * Holds all constructed address books.
   * @var array
   * @access private
   * @static
  private static $singleton = array();

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Performance hint setting.
   * This setting determines how the address book should operate when it loads
   * addresses. The performance hint setting can be set to:
   * @var int
   * @access private
  private $performanceHint = self::PERF_HINT_LOAD_ONE;

   * The id of the user who "owns" this address book.
   * @var int
   * @access private
  private $uid;

   * A list of addresses in the address book.
   * @var array
   * @access private
  private $addresses = array();

   * An array of default addresses.
   * @var array
   * @access private
  private $defaultAddresses = array();

   * Whether or not the default addresses for this address book are loaded.
   * @var boolean
   * @access private
  private $defaultsLoaded = FALSE;

   * Whether or not all addresses for this address book are loaded.
   * @var boolean
   * @access private
  private $allLoaded = FALSE;

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * AddressBook object constructor.
   * @param mixed $user
   *   Either an user id or an user object.
   * @access private
   * @return void
  private function __construct($user) {
    if (is_object($user)) {
      $user = $user->uid;
    $this->uid = $user;

   * Disallow cloning the address book.
   * @access private
   * @return void
  private function __clone() {

   * Returns address book for the given user.
   * @param mixed $user
   *   Either an user id or an user object.
   * @access public
   * @static
   * @return UcAddressesAddressBook
   *   An instance of this class.
  public static function get($user) {
    if (is_object($user)) {
      $user = $user->uid;
    if (isset(self::$singleton[$user])) {
      $instance = self::$singleton[$user];
      if ($instance) {
        return $instance;
    $singleton = self::$singleton[$user] = new UcAddressesAddressBook($user);
    return $singleton;

   * Returns all currently loaded address books.
   * @return array
   *   An array of UcAddressesAddressBook instances.
  public static function getAddressBooks() {
    return self::$singleton;

   * Looks up a single address.
   * This method will first look in all the loaded address books if the address
   * is already known. It it is known, then it will return the found address.
   * If not, it will lookup the address in the database.
   * An UcAddressesAddress object will be created, populated with the loaded values.
   * The address will be added to the user's address book.
   * @param int $aid
   *   ID of the address to load.
   * @access public
   * @static
   * @return UcAddressesAddress
   *   An instance of UcAddressesAddress if the address was found.
   *   FALSE otherwise.
   * @todo Think of a better name for this method.
  public static function loadAddress($aid) {

    // Look for the address in one of the available address books.
    foreach (self::$singleton as $addressbook) {
      if ($addressbook
        ->addressExists($aid)) {
        return $addressbook
    return FALSE;

   * Create a new unowned address.
   * This method will create an empty address without an owner.
   * This is useful when you want to ask an anonymous user for an address
   * (e.g., when registering).
   * However, unonwed addresses can not be saved. In order to save this
   * address, the UcAddressesAddress method setOwner() should be called.
   * @access public
   * @static
   * @return UcAddressesAddress
   *   A new instance of UcAddressesAddress.
  public static function newAddress() {
    return self::get(0)

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Sets the performance hint setting.
   * @param int $hint
   *   The hint to set.
   * @return void
   * @throws UcAddressesInvalidParameterException
  public function setPerformanceHint($hint) {
    switch ($hint) {
      case self::PERF_HINT_LOAD_ONE:
      case self::PERF_HINT_LOAD_ALL:
        $this->performanceHint = $hint;
        throw new UcAddressesInvalidParameterException(t('Tried to set an invalid performance hint for the address book'));

   * Returns the performance hint setting.
   * @return int
   *   The performance hint setting.
  public function getPerformanceHint() {
    return $this->performanceHint;

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Adds address to address book.
   * @param UcAddressesAddress $address
   *   (optional) An instance of UcAddressesAddress to add.
   *   Defaults to a new instance of UcAddressesAddress.
   * @access public
   * @return UcAddressesAddress
   *   The instance of UcAddressesAddress that was added.
   * @throws UcAddressesInvalidParameterException
   * @throws UcAddressesNameCollisionException
  public function addAddress(UcAddressesAddress $address = NULL) {

    // If we add an address, then we'll probably save it, which
    // requires loading all addresses for error checking.
    if ($this->performanceHint == self::PERF_HINT_LOAD_ONE) {
      $this->performanceHint = self::PERF_HINT_LOAD_ALL;
    if ($address) {

      // In case of a new address with an address name,
      // load other addresses to do a name check comparison.
      if ($address
        ->isNew() && $address
        ->getName() && !$this->allLoaded) {

      // Check if address is already in addressbook.
      foreach ($this->addresses as $aid => $addressBookAddress) {
        if ($address === $addressBookAddress) {
          throw new UcAddressesInvalidParameterException(t('Tried to add an address already in the address book'));
        if ($address
          ->getName() && $address
          ->getName() == $addressBookAddress
          ->getName()) {
          throw new UcAddressesNameCollisionException(t('Tried to add an address with a name matching that of an address already in the address book'));

      // Check if address belongs to this address book.
      if ($address
        ->getAddressBook() !== $this && $address
        ->isOwned()) {
        throw new UcAddressesInvalidParameterException(t('Tried to add an address already in an other address book'));
    if (!$address) {
      $address = new UcAddressesAddress($this);
      ->getId()] = $address;
    if ($address
      ->isDefault('shipping')) {
      $this->defaultAddresses['shipping'] = $address;
    if ($address
      ->isDefault('billing')) {
      $this->defaultAddresses['billing'] = $address;

    // Make sure this becomes one of our addresses.
    if ($address
      ->getAddressBook() !== $this) {
    return $address;

   * Updates address ID in the address book.
   * Called by method save() in UcAddressesAddress when the
   * address gets an ID.
   * @param UcAddressesAddress $address
   *   The address to reindex.
   * @access public
   * @return void
   * @throws UcAddressesInvalidParameterException
  public function updateAddress(UcAddressesAddress $address) {

    // Check if address belongs to this address book.
    if ($address
      ->getAddressBook() !== $this) {
      throw new UcAddressesInvalidParameterException(t('Tried to update an address from an other address book'));

    // Loop through all addresses to find out what temporary ID
    // the address is known under.
    foreach ($this->addresses as $aid => $addressBookAddress) {
      if ($address === $addressBookAddress) {

        // Update address ID.
          ->getId()] = $address;

    // The address should have been found in the address book.
    // However, sometimes it can happen that there are two address
    // objects with the same ID. This can happen when serializing
    // and unserializing address objects.
      ->getId()] = $address;

   * Checks if given address looks like an address already in the
   * address book.
   * Ignores the case if the address to compare is included in this
   * address book.
   * The common case to use this method is when you have a new address
   * and you want to make sure an address that looks the same is not
   * already in the address book.
   * @param UcAddressesAddress $address
   *   The address to compare with other addresses in the address book.
   * @param boolean $compareUnsaved
   *   (optional) If the address should be compared with addresses that
   *   are not yet saved.
   *   Defaults to FALSE.
   * @access public
   * @return
   *   UcAddressesAddress in case a match is found.
   *   FALSE otherwise.
  public function compareAddress(UcAddressesAddress $address, $compareUnsaved = FALSE) {
    if (!$this->allLoaded) {
    foreach ($this->addresses as $addressBookAddress) {
      if (!$compareUnsaved && $addressBookAddress
        ->isNew()) {

        // Don't compare the addresses with unsaved addresses.
      if ($address === $addressBookAddress) {

        // We don't need to compare the address with itself.
      if ($address
        ->getId() === $addressBookAddress
        ->getId()) {

        // Somehow we ended up with two addresses with the same ID.
        // This can happen when address objects get serialized and unserialized.
        // Ideally, this case should be prevented, but I'm not sure how. We can't
        // reassign "$this" in __wakeup().
        // Anyway, in this case we need to skip the comparison too.
      if ($addressBookAddress
        ->compareAddress($address)) {

        // Found a match! No need to look further.
        return $addressBookAddress;
    return FALSE;

   * Checks if an address exists in the addresses array.
   * This method doesn't do any database calls.
   * It just checks if an address is already available in the address book.
   * Called in loadAddress().
   * @param int $aid
   *   The ID of the address to check existence for.
   * @access public
   * @return boolean
   *   TRUE if the address exists.
   *   FALSE otherwise.
  public function addressExists($aid) {
    if (isset($this->addresses[$aid])) {
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * Get an address by ID.
   * First a check is done to see if the address is already available in $addresses
   * array. If it's not available, then a database request is send.
   * If the requested address is not found or not owned by the user of the
   * address book, an UcAddressesDbException is thrown.
   * @param int $aid
   *   The ID of the address to get.
   * @access public
   * @return
   *   UcAddressesAddress if the address is found.
   *   FALSE otherwise.
   * @throws UcAddressesDbException
  public function getAddressById($aid) {
      ->loadOne(self::BY_AID, $aid);
    if (isset($this->addresses[$aid])) {
      return $this->addresses[$aid];
    return FALSE;

   * Get an address by it's nickname.
   * First, the $addresses array is searched to see if the address is already
   * available. If it's not available, then a database request is send.
   * If the requested address is not found or not owned by the user of the
   * address book, an UcAddressesDbException is thrown.
   * @param string $name
   *   The nickname of the address.
   * @access public
   * @return
   *   UcAddressesAddress if the address is found.
   *   FALSE otherwise.
   * @throws UcAddressesDbException
  public function getAddressByName($name) {
      ->loadOne(self::BY_NAME, $name);
    return $this

   * Deletes an addres by giving the addres object.
   * @param UcAddressesAddress $address
   *   The address to delete.
   * @return boolean
   *   TRUE if the address is deleted.
   *   FALSE otherwise.
   * @throws UcAddressesDbException
  public function deleteAddress(UcAddressesAddress $address) {

    // Check to make sure this is one of our addresses
    if ($address
      ->getAddressBook() !== $this) {
      return FALSE;
    return $this
      ->deleteOne(self::BY_AID, $address

   * Deletes an address by ID.
   * This will delete an address from the database.
   * @param int $aid
   *   The id of the address to delete.
   * @access public
   * @return boolean
   *   TRUE if the address is deleted.
   *   FALSE otherwise.
   * @throws UcAddressesDbException
  public function deleteAddressById($aid) {
    return $this
      ->deleteOne(self::BY_AID, $aid);

   * Deletes an address by name.
   * @param string $name
   *   The nickname of the address.
   * @access public
   * @return boolean
   *   TRUE if the address is deleted.
   *   FALSE otherwise.
   * @throws UcAddressesDbException
  public function deleteAddressByName($name) {
    return $this
      ->deleteOne(self::BY_NAME, $name);

   * Returns user ID, the owner of this address book.
   * @access public
   * @return int
  public function getUserId() {
    return $this->uid;

   * Returns all addresses of the user.
   * @access public
   * @return array
  public function getAddresses() {
    if (!$this->allLoaded) {
    return $this->addresses;

   * Sets the owner of an address if the owner was previously unknown.
   * This method is only used to set the owner of the address when it's
   * currently owned by user 0.
   * This is the case when an address is asked at registering
   * or when the user anonymously checked out.
   * Should only be called by UcAddressesAddress.
   * @param UcAddressesAddress $address
   *   The address to change the owner for.
   * @param int $uid
   *   The user who should be the owner of the address.
   * @access public
   * @return UcAddressesAddressBook
   *   The address book the address was transferred to;
   *   Or NULL if the address was already owned.
  public function setAddressOwner(UcAddressesAddress $address, $uid) {

    // Reasons to skip out early.
    if ($this
      ->isOwned()) {

      // Address is already owned.
    if ($address
      ->getAddressBook() !== $this) {

      // The address does not belong to this address book.
      return $address

    // Add address to user $uid address book.
    $addressBook = self::get($uid);

    // Remove address from this address book.
    return $addressBook;

   * Checks if the address book is owned by an user.
   * An address is owned by an user if the owner's user id
   * is not zero (= anonymous user).
   * @access public
   * @return boolean
   *   TRUE if the address is owned.
   *   FALSE otherwise.
  public function isOwned() {
    return $this
      ->getUserId() > 0;

   * Reconstructs the address book completely.
   * This will remove all addresses currently tracked by the address
   * book. All the properties will be set back to the default
   * values.
   * Calling this method is bad for performance as it will force to
   * reload addresses from the database, so use it with caution.
   * This method is generally only of use within automated tests.
   * @access public
   * @return void
  public function reset() {
    $this->addresses = array();
    $this->defaultAddresses = array();
    $this->defaultsLoaded = FALSE;
    $this->allLoaded = FALSE;

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Sets the name of the address.
   * @param UcAddressesAddress $address
   *   The address to set a name for.
   * @param string $name
   *   The nickname the address will get.
   * @access public
   * @return boolean
   *   TRUE if the name was changed.
   *   FALSE otherwise.
  public function setAddressName($address, $name) {
    if (!$this->allLoaded) {

    // Check to make sure this is one of our addresses.
    if ($address
      ->getAddressBook() !== $this) {
      return FALSE;

    // Check if an other address already has the same name.
    // We don't allow two addresses having the same name.
    // One exception: multiple addresses having an empty name is allowed.
    if ($name !== '') {
      foreach ($this->addresses as $aid => $addr) {
        if ($address !== $addr && $addr
          ->getName() == $name) {
          return FALSE;
      ->privSetUcAddressField('name', $name);
    return TRUE;

   * Returns a default address.
   * @param string $type
   *   The address type to get (shipping, billing).
   * @access public
   * @return
   *   UcAddressesAddress if the address is found.
   *   NULL otherwise.
  public function getDefaultAddress($type = 'billing') {
    if (isset($this->defaultAddresses[$type])) {
      return $this->defaultAddresses[$type];
    if (!$this->defaultsLoaded) {
    if (isset($this->defaultAddresses[$type])) {
      return $this->defaultAddresses[$type];
    return NULL;

   * Set an address as a default address.
   * @param UcAddressesAddress $address
   *   The address to set as default.
   * @param string $type
   *   The address type to set (shipping, billing).
   * @access public
   * @return boolean
   *   TRUE if the address was set as default.
   *   FALSE otherwise.
  public function setAddressAsDefault($address, $type = 'billing') {

    // Reasons to skip out early.
    if (!$this
      ->isOwned()) {

      // Address is not owned, so it can't be set as default
      // in this stage.
      return FALSE;

    // Check to make sure this is one of our addresses.
    if ($address
      ->getAddressBook() !== $this) {
      return FALSE;

    // Make sure the previous default address is loaded.

    // Loop through all addresses to make sure no other
    // addresses are marked as default.
    foreach ($this->addresses as $aid => $addr) {
      if ($address !== $addr && $addr
        ->isDefault($type)) {
          ->privSetUcAddressField($type, FALSE);

    // Set given address as the default.
      ->privSetUcAddressField($type, TRUE);
    $this->defaultAddresses[$type] = $address;
    return TRUE;

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Saves every address currently loaded in this address book.
   * @access public
   * @return void
  public function save() {
    foreach ($this->addresses as $aid => $address) {

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Returns address book html.
   * @access public
   * @return string
   *   The themed address, as HTML.
  public function __toString() {
    $addresses = array();
    try {
      if (!$this->allLoaded) {
      foreach ($this->addresses as $address) {
          ->getId()] = (string) $address;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        ->getMessage(), 'error');
    return theme('uc_addresses_address_book', array(
      'addresses' => $addresses,
      'address_book' => $this,

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Loads a single address from the database if not already loaded.
   * No database call is done in these cases:
   * - Address is already loaded;
   * - All addresses are already loaded.
   * @param int $type
   *   Type of the argument given, can be the address id (BY_AID) or the address nickname (BY_NAME).
   * @param mixed $arg
   *   Either the address id or the address nickname.
   * @access private
   * @return void
   * @throws UcAddressesDbException
  private function loadOne($type, $arg) {

    // Reasons to skip out early.
    if ($this->allLoaded) {
    if (!$this
      ->isOwned()) {
    if ($type == self::BY_AID && isset($this->addresses[$arg])) {
    if ($type == self::BY_NAME && $this
      ->findByName($arg)) {

    // If we're going to save an address, we'll need to know about
    // possible name collisions and what the current default
    // addresses are.
    if ($this->performanceHint == self::PERF_HINT_LOAD_ALL) {

    // Read the database. Note that we ensure that this requested
    // address is in this address book by including $uid in the
    // query.
    if ($type == self::BY_AID) {
      $result = db_select('uc_addresses')
        ->condition('uid', $this->uid)
        ->condition('aid', $arg)
    else {
      $result = db_select('uc_addresses')
        ->condition('uid', $this->uid)
        ->condition('address_name', $arg)

   * Loads all addresses from database when they not already loaded.
   * @access private
   * @return void
  private function loadDefaults() {

    // Reason to skip out early.
    if ($this->defaultsLoaded) {
    if ($this->allLoaded) {
    if (!$this
      ->isOwned()) {

    // If the performance hint is set to load all addresses,
    // load all addresses instead.
    if ($this->performanceHint == self::PERF_HINT_LOAD_ALL) {

    // Get all addresses for this user.
    $result = db_select('uc_addresses')
      ->condition('uid', $this->uid)
      ->condition('default_shipping', 1)
      ->condition('default_billing', 1))
      ->orderBy('created', 'ASC')

    // Set flag that default addresses are loaded.
    $this->defaultsLoaded = TRUE;

   * Loads all addresses from database when they not already loaded.
   * @access private
   * @return void
  private function loadAll() {

    // Reason to skip out early.
    if ($this->allLoaded) {
    if (!$this
      ->isOwned()) {

    // Update the performance hint setting.
    $this->performanceHint = self::PERF_HINT_LOAD_ALL;

    // Get all addresses for this user.
    $result = db_select('uc_addresses')
      ->condition('uid', $this->uid)
      ->orderBy('created', 'ASC')

    // Set flag that all addresses are loaded.
    $this->allLoaded = TRUE;

    // Set flag that default addresses are loaded.
    $this->defaultsLoaded = TRUE;

   * Loads a single address from the database if not already loaded.
   * @param int $aid
   *   The id of the address.
   * @access private
   * @return boolean
   *   TRUE if the address has been loaded or found.
   *   FALSE otherwise.
  private static function loadStatic($aid) {

    // Reasons to skip out early.
    // Lookup in all address books if the address is already loaded.
    foreach (self::$singleton as $addressbook) {
      if ($addressbook
        ->addressExists($aid)) {
        return TRUE;
    $result = db_select('uc_addresses')
      ->condition('aid', $aid)
      ->orderBy('created', 'ASC')

    // Create an object from the database record.
    $obj = $result
    if (!$obj) {

      // If there is no such address record, then abort.
      return FALSE;

    // Get address book for loaded user.
    $addressbook = self::get($obj->uid);

    // Create UcAddressesAddress object.
    $address = new UcAddressesAddress($addressbook, $obj);

    // Give other modules a chance to add their fields.
    module_invoke_all('uc_addresses_address_load', $address, $obj);

    // Invoke entity load hook.
    return TRUE;

   * Creates UcAddressesAddress objects from a database resource.
   * @param resource $result
   *   Database result.
   * @access private
   * @return void
  private function dbResultToAddresses($result) {

    // Create each UcAddressesAddress object from the database record.
    $loaded_addresses = array();
    foreach ($result as $obj) {

      // Skip addresses that have already been loaded (and perhaps modified).
      if (!isset($this->addresses[$obj->aid])) {
        $address = new UcAddressesAddress($this, $obj);
        if ($address
          ->isDefault('shipping')) {
          $this->defaultAddresses['shipping'] = $address;
        if ($address
          ->isDefault('billing')) {
          $this->defaultAddresses['billing'] = $address;

        // Give other modules a chance to add their fields.
        module_invoke_all('uc_addresses_address_load', $address, $obj);
        $loaded_addresses[$obj->aid] = $address;
    if (count($loaded_addresses) > 0) {

      // Invoke entity load hook.

   * Deletes one address.
   * @param int $type
   *   Type of the argument given, can be the address id (BY_AID) or the address nickname (BY_NAME).
   * @param mixed $arg
   *   Either the address id or the address nickname.
   * @access private
   * @return boolean
   *   TRUE if the address was deleted.
   *   FALSE otherwise.
   * @throws UcAddressesDbException
  private function deleteOne($type, $arg) {

    // Reasons to skip out early
    if (!$this
      ->isOwned()) {
      return FALSE;

    // We can't delete an address that is a default address, so
    // we'll need to make sure this address is loaded.
      ->loadOne($type, $arg);
    if ($type == self::BY_AID) {
      $address = $this
    if ($type == self::BY_NAME) {
      $address = $this
    if (!$address) {
      return FALSE;
    if ($address
      ->isDefault('shipping') || $address
      ->isDefault('billing')) {
      return FALSE;

    // Delete the address from the database only if it is not new (else it won't exist in the db).
    if (!$address
      ->isNew()) {
        ->condition('aid', $address

    // Remove from address book object.

    // Give other modules a chance to react on this.
    module_invoke_all('uc_addresses_address_delete', $address);
      ->invoke('delete', $address);
    return TRUE;

   * Removes an address from this address book.
   * This method is called when an address is deleted
   * or when the owner of an address is set.
   * @param UcAddressesAddress $address
   *   The address to remove from the address book.
   * @access private
   * @return void
  private function removeAddressFromAddressBook($address) {
    $aid = $address
    if (isset($this->addresses[$aid])) {

    // Check default addresses array
    foreach ($this->defaultAddresses as $address_type => $defaultAddress) {
      if ($defaultAddress
        ->getId() == $aid) {

   * Search for an address by giving the name.
   * @param string $name
   *   The nickname of the address.
   * @access private
   * @return
   *   UcAddressesAddress if address is found.
   *   FALSE otherwise.
  private function findByName($name) {
    if ($name) {
      foreach ($this->addresses as $address) {
        if ($address
          ->getName() && $address
          ->getName() == $name) {
          return $address;
    return FALSE;



Namesort descending Description
UcAddressesAddressBook The address book class