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public function TaxRateUiTest::testTaxUi in Ubercart 8.4

Tests the operation of the tax rate configuration user interface.


uc_tax/tests/src/Functional/TaxRateUiTest.php, line 15


Tests the operation of the tax rate configuration user interface.




public function testTaxUi() {

  /** @var \Drupal\Tests\WebAssert $assert */
  $assert = $this

  // Verify tax rate configuration item is listed on store configuration menu.
    ->pageTextContains('Configure tax rates and rules.');
    ->clickLink('Tax rates');
    ->pageTextContains('No tax rates have been configured yet.');

  // Create a 20% inclusive tax rate.
  $rate = [
    'label' => $this
    'settings[rate]' => 20,
    'settings[jurisdiction]' => 'Uberland',
    'shippable' => 0,
    'product_types[product]' => 1,
    'product_types[blank-line]' => 1,
    // No shipping line item if uc_quote not installed.
    // 'line_item_types[shipping]' => 1,
    'line_item_types[generic]' => 1,
    'line_item_types[tax]' => 1,
    'display_include' => 1,
    'inclusion_text' => ' incl. tax',
  $tax_rate = $this
    ->createTaxRate('percentage_rate', $rate);

  // Verify that tax was saved successfully by checking for expected label,
  // rate, taxed shipping types, taxed product types, and taxed line item
  // types.
    ->getRate() . '%');

  // Expected shipping types.
    ->pageTextContains('Any product');

  // Expected product types.
    ->pageTextContains('product, blank-line');

  // Expected line item types.
    ->pageTextContains('generic, tax');

  // Test 'Clone' operation.

  // Check that tax was cloned successfully.
    ->pageTextContains('Tax rate ' . $tax_rate
    ->label() . ' was cloned.');

  // Default sort is alphabetical, but we need the clone
  // to be at the top of the list so the next tests work!
    'entities[' . $tax_rate
      ->id() . '_clone][weight]' => -10,
  ], 'Save configuration');

  // Test 'Delete' operation. Delete the Clone.
    ->addressEquals('admin/store/config/tax/' . $tax_rate
    ->id() . '_clone/delete');

  // Check that delete confirmation form was found.
    ->pageTextContains('Are you sure you want to delete Copy of ' . $tax_rate
    ->label() . '?');

  // @todo Commented out until core issue with the Cancel button
  // URL on confirm forms for sites in a subdirectory is fixed.
  // @see

  // Verify the 'Cancel' button works.
  // Check that tax rate was not deleted.
  $assert->pageTextContains('Copy of ' . $tax_rate->label());
  // Now, actually delete the rate.
  $assert->addressEquals('admin/store/config/tax/' . $tax_rate->id() . '_clone/delete');
    ->submitForm([], 'Delete tax rate');
    ->pageTextContains('Tax rate Copy of ' . $tax_rate
    ->label() . ' has been deleted.');

  // Go to next page to clear the drupal_set_message.

  // Check that the deleted tax rate no longer appears.
    ->pageTextNotContains('Copy of ' . $tax_rate

  // Test 'Disable' operation.
    ->pageTextContains('The ' . $tax_rate
    ->label() . ' tax rate has been disabled.');

  // Test 'Enable' operation.
    ->pageTextContains('The ' . $tax_rate
    ->label() . ' tax rate has been enabled.');

  // Test 'Edit' operation.
    ->addressEquals('admin/store/config/tax/' . $tax_rate

  // Test for known fields.
    ->pageTextContains('Default tax rate');
    ->pageTextContains('Tax rate override field');
    ->pageTextContains('Taxed products');
    ->pageTextContains('Taxed product types');
    ->pageTextContains('Taxed line items');
    ->pageTextContains('Tax inclusion text');

  // Test for Save tax rate button, Cancel link, delete link.

  // We have already tested delete.

  // Test cancel.

  // Test 'Add' operation.
    'plugin' => 'percentage_rate',
  ], 'Add tax rate');

  // Test for same known fields as above.
    ->pageTextContains('Default tax rate');
    ->pageTextContains('Tax rate override field');
    ->pageTextContains('Taxed products');
    ->pageTextContains('Taxed product types');
    ->pageTextContains('Taxed line items');
    ->pageTextContains('Tax inclusion text');

  // Test for Save tax rate button, Cancel link, no delete link.