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7 calls to uc_role_delete() in Ubercart 8.4

RoleDeleteForm::submitForm in uc_role/src/Form/RoleDeleteForm.php
Form submission handler.
uc_role_cron in uc_role/uc_role.module
Implements hook_cron().
uc_role_grant in uc_role/uc_role.module
Grants a role to a given user.
uc_role_renew in uc_role/uc_role.module
Renews a given role on a user.
uc_role_revoke in uc_role/uc_role.module
Revokes a role on a given user.
uc_role_user_cancel in uc_role/uc_role.module
Implements hook_user_cancel().
uc_role_user_presave in uc_role/uc_role.module
Implements hook_user_presave().