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function uc_product_settings_form in Ubercart 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 uc_product/uc_product.module \uc_product_settings_form()
  2. 6.2 uc_product/ \uc_product_settings_form()

Form to change product settings.

1 string reference to 'uc_product_settings_form'
uc_product_menu in uc_product/uc_product.module
Implements hook_menu().


uc_product/, line 48
Product administration menu items.


function uc_product_settings_form($form, &$form_state) {

  // Put fieldsets into vertical tabs
  $form['product-settings'] = array(
    '#type' => 'vertical_tabs',
  $form['product'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Product settings'),
    '#group' => 'product-settings',
    '#weight' => -10,

  // Loop through all the integrated image widgets and build an options array.
  $options = array();
  foreach (module_invoke_all('uc_image_widget') as $key => $widget) {
    $options[$key] = check_plain($widget['name']);
  if (empty($options)) {
    $options[NULL] = t('No image widgets installed.');
  else {

    // If we have widgets installed, add option to not use any of them
    $options['none'] = t("Don't use any image widgets.");
  $form['product']['uc_product_image_widget'] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#title' => t('Product image widget'),
    '#description' => t('The selected widget will be used to display a zoomed version of product images when they are clicked.'),
    '#options' => $options,
    '#default_value' => variable_get('uc_product_image_widget', NULL),
  if (module_exists('uc_cart')) {
    $form['product']['uc_product_add_to_cart_qty'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Display an optional quantity field in the <em>Add to Cart</em> form.'),
      '#default_value' => variable_get('uc_product_add_to_cart_qty', FALSE),
    $form['product']['uc_product_update_node_view'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Update product display based on customer selections'),
      '#default_value' => variable_get('uc_product_update_node_view', FALSE),
      '#description' => t('Check this box to dynamically update the display of product information such as display-price or weight based on customer input on the add-to-cart form (e.g. selecting a particular attribute option).'),
  foreach (module_invoke_all('uc_product_feature') as $feature) {
    if (isset($feature['settings']) && function_exists($feature['settings'])) {
      $form[$feature['id']] = array(
        '#type' => 'fieldset',
        '#title' => t('@feature settings', array(
          '@feature' => $feature['title'],
        '#group' => 'product-settings',
      $form[$feature['id']] += $feature['settings'](array(), $form_state);
      if (function_exists($feature['settings'] . '_validate')) {
        $form['#validate'][] = $feature['settings'] . '_validate';
      if (function_exists($feature['settings'] . '_submit')) {
        $form['#submit'][] = $feature['settings'] . '_submit';
  return system_settings_form($form);