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7 calls to _order_pane_list() in Ubercart 5

theme_uc_order_edit_form in uc_order/uc_order.module
uc_order_edit_form in uc_order/uc_order.module
uc_order_edit_form_submit in uc_order/uc_order.module
uc_order_panes_form in uc_order/uc_order.module
uc_order_settings_overview in uc_order/uc_order.module
Display the order settings overview.
uc_order_view in uc_order/uc_order.module
Display the order view screen, constructed via hook_order_pane().
_order_pane_data in uc_order/
Return data from an order pane by pane ID and the array key.