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function uc_order_pane_print_button in Ubercart 7.3

Handles the "Print button" order pane.

1 string reference to 'uc_order_pane_print_button'
uc_order_uc_order_pane in uc_order/uc_order.module
Implements hook_uc_order_pane().


uc_order/, line 16
This file contains the callbacks for the default order panes supplied with Ubercart and their corresponding helper functions.


function uc_order_pane_print_button($op, $order, &$form = NULL, &$form_state = NULL) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'customer':
      if (user_access('view own invoices')) {
        $link = t('Click to open a window with a printable invoice.');
        $build = array(
          '#markup' => l($link, 'user/' . $order->uid . '/orders/' . $order->order_id . '/print', array(
            'html' => TRUE,
            'attributes' => array(
              'onclick' => ", '" . t('Invoice') . "', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=1,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,width=600,height=480,left=50,top=50'); return false;",
        return $build;