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function uc_product_get_attributes in Ubercart 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.4 uc_attribute/uc_attribute.module \uc_product_get_attributes()
  2. 5 uc_attribute/uc_attribute.module \uc_product_get_attributes()
  3. 6.2 uc_attribute/uc_attribute.module \uc_product_get_attributes()

Loads all attributes associated with a product node.


int $nid: The product node id.

Return value

array The attributes.

8 calls to uc_product_get_attributes()
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uc_attribute_node_load in uc_attribute/uc_attribute.module
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uc_object_attributes_form in uc_attribute/
Form to associate attributes with products or classes.

... See full list


uc_attribute/uc_attribute.module, line 1165
Ubercart Attribute module.


function uc_product_get_attributes($nid) {
  $attributes = array();
  $result = db_query("SELECT upa.aid FROM {uc_product_attributes} upa LEFT JOIN {uc_attributes} ua ON upa.aid = ua.aid WHERE upa.nid = :nid ORDER BY upa.ordering,", array(
    ':nid' => $nid,
  foreach ($result as $attribute) {
    $attributes[$attribute->aid] = uc_attribute_load($attribute->aid, $nid, 'product');
  return $attributes;