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uc_ups.module in Ubercart 7.3

UPS shipping quote module.


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 * @file
 * UPS shipping quote module.

 * Drupal Hooks                                                               *

 * Implements hook_menu().
function uc_ups_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/store/settings/quotes/settings/ups'] = array(
    'title' => 'UPS',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'configure quotes',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'file' => '',
  $items['admin/store/orders/%uc_order/shipments/ups'] = array(
    'title' => 'UPS shipment',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'fulfill orders',
    'file' => '',
  $items['admin/store/orders/%uc_order/shipments/labels/ups'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'theme',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'fulfill orders',
    'file' => '',
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_cron().
 * Deletes UPS shipping labels from the file system automatically
 * on a periodic basis.  Cron must be enabled for automatic deletion.
 * Default is never delete the labels, keep them forever.
function uc_ups_cron() {
  $cutoff = REQUEST_TIME - variable_get('uc_ups_label_lifetime', 0);
  if ($cutoff == REQUEST_TIME) {

    // Label lifetime is set to 0, meaning never delete.

  // Loop over label files in public://ups_labels and test
  // creation date against 'uc_ups_label_lifetime'.
  $files = file_scan_directory('public://ups_labels', '/^label-/');
  foreach ($files as $file) {
    if ($cutoff > filectime($file->uri)) {
      watchdog('uc_ups', 'Removed uc_ups label file @file.', array(
        '@file' => $file->uri,

 * Implements hook_theme().
function uc_ups_theme() {
  return array(
    'uc_ups_option_label' => array(
      'variables' => array(
        'service' => NULL,
        'packages' => NULL,
      'file' => '',
    'uc_ups_confirm_shipment' => array(
      'render element' => 'form',
      'file' => '',
    'uc_ups_label_image' => array(
      'variables' => array(),
      'file' => '',

 * Implements hook_form_alter().
 * Adds package type to products.
 * @see uc_product_form()
 * @see uc_ups_product_alter_validate()
function uc_ups_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  if (uc_product_is_product_form($form)) {
    $node = $form['#node'];
    $enabled = variable_get('uc_quote_enabled', array()) + array(
      'ups' => FALSE,
    $weight = variable_get('uc_quote_method_weight', array()) + array(
      'ups' => 0,
    $ups = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('UPS product description'),
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => $enabled['ups'] == FALSE || uc_product_get_shipping_type($node) != 'small_package',
      '#weight' => $weight['ups'],
      '#tree' => TRUE,
    $ups['pkg_type'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('Package type'),
      '#options' => _uc_ups_pkg_types(),
      '#default_value' => isset($node->ups['pkg_type']) ? $node->ups['pkg_type'] : variable_get('uc_ups_pkg_type', '02'),
    $form['shipping']['ups'] = $ups;
    if ($enabled['ups']) {
      $form['#validate'][] = 'uc_ups_product_alter_validate';

 * Validation handler for UPS product fields.
 * @see uc_ups_form_alter()
function uc_ups_product_alter_validate($form, &$form_state) {
  if (isset($form_state['values']['shippable']) && ($form_state['values']['shipping_type'] == 'small_package' || empty($form_state['values']['shipping_type']) && variable_get('uc_store_shipping_type', 'small_package') == 'small_package')) {
    if ($form_state['values']['ups']['pkg_type'] == '02' && (empty($form_state['values']['dim_length']) || empty($form_state['values']['dim_width']) || empty($form_state['values']['dim_height']))) {
      form_set_error('base][dimensions', t('Dimensions are required for custom packaging.'));

 * Implements hook_node_insert().
function uc_ups_node_insert($node) {

 * Implements hook_node_update().
function uc_ups_node_update($node) {
  if (uc_product_is_product($node->type)) {
    if (isset($node->ups)) {
      $ups_values = $node->ups;
      if (empty($node->revision)) {
          ->condition('vid', $node->vid)
        'vid' => $node->vid,
        'nid' => $node->nid,
        'pkg_type' => $ups_values['pkg_type'],

 * Implements hook_node_load().
function uc_ups_node_load($nodes, $types) {
  $product_types = array_intersect(uc_product_types(), $types);
  if (empty($product_types)) {
  $vids = array();
  $shipping_type = variable_get('uc_store_shipping_type', 'small_package');
  $shipping_types = db_query("SELECT id, shipping_type FROM {uc_quote_shipping_types} WHERE id_type = :type AND id IN (:ids)", array(
    ':type' => 'product',
    ':ids' => array_keys($nodes),
  foreach ($nodes as $nid => $node) {
    if (!in_array($node->type, $product_types)) {
    if (isset($shipping_types[$nid])) {
      $node->shipping_type = $shipping_types[$nid];
    else {
      $node->shipping_type = $shipping_type;
    if ($node->shipping_type == 'small_package') {
      $vids[$nid] = $node->vid;
  if ($vids) {
    $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {uc_ups_products} WHERE vid IN (:vids)", array(
      ':vids' => $vids,
    ), array(
      'fetch' => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC,
    foreach ($result as $ups) {
      $nodes[$ups['nid']]->ups = $ups;

 * Implements hook_node_delete().
function uc_ups_node_delete($node) {
    ->condition('nid', $node->nid)

 * Implements hook_node_revision_delete().
function uc_ups_node_revision_delete($node) {
    ->condition('vid', $node->vid)

 * Ubercart Hooks                                                             *

 * Implements hook_uc_shipping_type().
function uc_ups_uc_shipping_type() {
  $weight = variable_get('uc_quote_type_weight', array(
    'small_package' => 0,
  $types = array();
  $types['small_package'] = array(
    'id' => 'small_package',
    'title' => t('Small packages'),
    'weight' => $weight['small_package'],
  return $types;

 * Implements hook_uc_shipping_method().
function uc_ups_uc_shipping_method() {
  $methods['ups'] = array(
    'id' => 'ups',
    'module' => 'uc_ups',
    'title' => t('UPS'),
    'operations' => array(
      'configure' => array(
        'title' => t('configure'),
        'href' => 'admin/store/settings/quotes/settings/ups',
    'quote' => array(
      'type' => 'small_package',
      'callback' => 'uc_ups_quote',
      'accessorials' => _uc_ups_service_list(),
    'ship' => array(
      'type' => 'small_package',
      'callback' => 'uc_ups_fulfill_order',
      'file' => '',
      'pkg_types' => _uc_ups_pkg_types(),
    'cancel' => 'uc_ups_void_shipment',
  return $methods;

 * Implements hook_uc_store_status().
 * Lets the administrator know that the UPS account information has not been
 * filled out.
function uc_ups_uc_store_status() {
  $messages = array();
  $access = variable_get('uc_ups_access_license', '') != '';
  $account = variable_get('uc_ups_shipper_number', '') != '';
  $user = variable_get('uc_ups_user_id', '') != '';
  $password = variable_get('uc_ups_password', '') != '';
  if ($access && $account && $user && $password) {
    $messages[] = array(
      'status' => 'ok',
      'title' => t('UPS Online Tools'),
      'desc' => t('Information needed to access UPS Online Tools has been entered.'),
  else {
    $messages[] = array(
      'status' => 'error',
      'title' => t('UPS Online Tools'),
      'desc' => t('More information is needed to access UPS Online Tools. Please enter it <a href="!url">here</a>.', array(
        '!url' => url('admin/store/settings/quotes/settings/ups'),
  return $messages;

 * Module Functions                                                           *

 * Returns XML access request to be prepended to all requests to the
 * UPS webservice.
function uc_ups_access_request() {
  $access = variable_get('uc_ups_access_license', '');
  $user = variable_get('uc_ups_user_id', '');
  $password = variable_get('uc_ups_password', '');
  return "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<AccessRequest xml:lang=\"en-US\">\n  <AccessLicenseNumber>{$access}</AccessLicenseNumber>\n  <UserId>{$user}</UserId>\n  <Password>{$password}</Password>\n</AccessRequest>\n";

 * Constructs an XML quote request.
 * @param $packages
 *   Array of packages received from the cart.
 * @param $origin
 *   Delivery origin address information.
 * @param $destination
 *   Delivery destination address information.
 * @param $ups_service
 *   UPS service code (refers to UPS Ground, Next-Day Air, etc.).
 * @return
 *   RatingServiceSelectionRequest XML document to send to UPS.
function uc_ups_shipping_quote($packages, $origin, $destination, $ups_service) {
  $store['name'] = uc_store_name();
  $store['owner'] = variable_get('uc_store_owner', NULL);
  $store['email'] = uc_store_email();
  $store['email_from'] = uc_store_email();
  $store['phone'] = variable_get('uc_store_phone', NULL);
  $store['fax'] = variable_get('uc_store_fax', NULL);
  $store['street1'] = variable_get('uc_store_street1', NULL);
  $store['street2'] = variable_get('uc_store_street2', NULL);
  $store['city'] = variable_get('uc_store_city', NULL);
  $store['zone'] = variable_get('uc_store_zone', NULL);
  $store['postal_code'] = variable_get('uc_store_postal_code', NULL);
  $store['country'] = variable_get('uc_store_country', 840);
  $account = variable_get('uc_ups_shipper_number', '');
  $ua = explode(' ', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
  $user_agent = $ua[0];
  $services = _uc_ups_service_list();
  $service = array(
    'code' => $ups_service,
    'description' => $services[$ups_service],
  $pkg_types = _uc_ups_pkg_types();
  $shipper_zone = uc_get_zone_code($store['zone']);
  $shipper_country = uc_get_country_data(array(
    'country_id' => $store['country'],
  $shipper_country = $shipper_country[0]['country_iso_code_2'];
  $shipper_zip = $store['postal_code'];
  $shipto_zone = uc_get_zone_code($destination->zone);
  $shipto_country = uc_get_country_data(array(
    'country_id' => $destination->country,
  $shipto_country = $shipto_country[0]['country_iso_code_2'];
  $shipto_zip = $destination->postal_code;
  $shipfrom_zone = uc_get_zone_code($origin->zone);
  $shipfrom_country = uc_get_country_data(array(
    'country_id' => $origin->country,
  $shipfrom_country = $shipfrom_country[0]['country_iso_code_2'];
  $shipfrom_zip = $origin->postal_code;
  $ups_units = variable_get('uc_ups_unit_system', variable_get('uc_length_unit', 'in'));
  switch ($ups_units) {
    case 'in':
      $units = 'LBS';
      $unit_name = 'Pounds';
    case 'cm':
      $units = 'KGS';
      $unit_name = 'Kilograms';
  $shipment_weight = 0;
  $package_schema = '';
  foreach ($packages as $package) {

    // Determine length conversion factor and weight conversion factor
    // for this shipment.
    $length_factor = uc_length_conversion($package->length_units, variable_get('uc_ups_unit_system', variable_get('uc_length_unit', 'in')));
    switch ($ups_units) {
      case 'in':
        $weight_factor = uc_weight_conversion($package->weight_units, 'lb');
      case 'cm':
        $weight_factor = uc_weight_conversion($package->weight_units, 'kg');

    // Loop over quantity of packages in this shipment.
    $qty = $package->qty;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $qty; $i++) {

      // Build XML for this package.
      $package_type = array(
        'code' => $package->pkg_type,
        'description' => $pkg_types[$package->pkg_type],
      $package_schema .= "<Package>";
      $package_schema .= "<PackagingType>";
      $package_schema .= "<Code>" . $package_type['code'] . "</Code>";
      $package_schema .= "</PackagingType>";
      if ($package->pkg_type == '02' && $package->length && $package->width && $package->height) {
        if ($package->length < $package->width) {
          list($package->length, $package->width) = array(
        $package_schema .= "<Dimensions>";
        $package_schema .= "<UnitOfMeasurement>";
        $package_schema .= "<Code>" . strtoupper(variable_get('uc_ups_unit_system', variable_get('uc_length_unit', 'in'))) . "</Code>";
        $package_schema .= "</UnitOfMeasurement>";
        $package_schema .= "<Length>" . number_format($package->length * $length_factor, 2, '.', '') . "</Length>";
        $package_schema .= "<Width>" . number_format($package->width * $length_factor, 2, '.', '') . "</Width>";
        $package_schema .= "<Height>" . number_format($package->height * $length_factor, 2, '.', '') . "</Height>";
        $package_schema .= "</Dimensions>";
      $weight = max(1, $package->weight * $weight_factor);
      $shipment_weight += $weight;
      $package_schema .= "<PackageWeight>";
      $package_schema .= "<UnitOfMeasurement>";
      $package_schema .= "<Code>" . $units . "</Code>";
      $package_schema .= "<Description>" . $unit_name . "</Description>";
      $package_schema .= "</UnitOfMeasurement>";
      $package_schema .= "<Weight>" . number_format($weight, 1, '.', '') . "</Weight>";
      $package_schema .= "</PackageWeight>";
      $size = $package->length * $length_factor + 2 * $length_factor * ($package->width + $package->height);
      if ($size > 130 && $size <= 165) {
        $package_schema .= "<LargePackageIndicator/>";
      if (variable_get('uc_ups_insurance', TRUE)) {
        $package_schema .= "<PackageServiceOptions>";
        $package_schema .= "<InsuredValue>";
        $package_schema .= "<CurrencyCode>" . variable_get('uc_currency_code', 'USD') . "</CurrencyCode>";
        $package_schema .= "<MonetaryValue>" . $package->price . "</MonetaryValue>";
        $package_schema .= "</InsuredValue>";
        $package_schema .= "</PackageServiceOptions>";
      $package_schema .= "</Package>";
  $schema = uc_ups_access_request() . "\n<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<RatingServiceSelectionRequest xml:lang=\"en-US\">\n  <Request>\n    <TransactionReference>\n      <CustomerContext>Complex Rate Request</CustomerContext>\n      <XpciVersion>1.0001</XpciVersion>\n    </TransactionReference>\n    <RequestAction>Rate</RequestAction>\n    <RequestOption>rate</RequestOption>\n  </Request>\n  <PickupType>\n    <Code>" . variable_get('uc_ups_pickup_type', '01') . "</Code>\n  </PickupType>\n  <CustomerClassification>\n    <Code>" . variable_get('uc_ups_classification', '04') . "</Code>\n  </CustomerClassification>\n  <Shipment>\n    <Shipper>\n      <ShipperNumber>" . variable_get('uc_ups_shipper_number', '') . "</ShipperNumber>\n      <Address>\n        <City>" . $store['city'] . "</City>\n        <StateProvinceCode>{$shipper_zone}</StateProvinceCode>\n        <PostalCode>{$shipper_zip}</PostalCode>\n        <CountryCode>{$shipper_country}</CountryCode>\n      </Address>\n    </Shipper>\n    <ShipTo>\n      <Address>\n        <StateProvinceCode>{$shipto_zone}</StateProvinceCode>\n        <PostalCode>{$shipto_zip}</PostalCode>\n        <CountryCode>{$shipto_country}</CountryCode>\n      ";
  if (variable_get('uc_ups_residential_quotes', 0)) {
    $schema .= "<ResidentialAddressIndicator/>\n      ";
  $schema .= "</Address>\n    </ShipTo>\n    <ShipFrom>\n      <Address>\n        <StateProvinceCode>{$shipfrom_zone}</StateProvinceCode>\n        <PostalCode>{$shipfrom_zip}</PostalCode>\n        <CountryCode>{$shipfrom_country}</CountryCode>\n      </Address>\n    </ShipFrom>\n    <ShipmentWeight>\n      <UnitOfMeasurement>\n        <Code>{$units}</Code>\n        <Description>{$unit_name}</Description>\n      </UnitOfMeasurement>\n      <Weight>" . number_format($shipment_weight, 1, '.', '') . "</Weight>\n    </ShipmentWeight>\n    <Service>\n      <Code>{$service['code']}</Code>\n      <Description>{$service['description']}</Description>\n    </Service>\n    ";
  $schema .= $package_schema;
  if (variable_get('uc_ups_negotiated_rates', FALSE)) {
    $schema .= "<RateInformation>\n          <NegotiatedRatesIndicator/>\n        </RateInformation>";
  $schema .= "</Shipment>\n</RatingServiceSelectionRequest>";
  return $schema;

 * Callback for retrieving a UPS shipping quote.
 * Requests a quote for each enabled UPS Service. Therefore, the quote will
 * take longer to display to the user for each option the customer has
 * available.
 * @param $products
 *   Array of cart contents.
 * @param $details
 *   Order details other than product information.
 * @param $method
 *   The shipping method to create the quote.
 * @return
 *   JSON object containing rate, error, and debugging information.
function uc_ups_quote($products, $details, $method) {

  // The uc_quote AJAX query can fire before the customer has completely
  // filled out the destination address, so check to see whether the address
  // has all needed fields. If not, abort.
  $destination = (object) $details;
  if (empty($destination->zone) || empty($destination->postal_code) || empty($destination->country)) {

    // Skip this shipping method.
    return array();
  $quotes = array();
  $addresses = array(
    variable_get('uc_quote_store_default_address', new UcAddress()),
  $key = 0;
  $last_key = 0;
  $packages = array();
  if (variable_get('uc_ups_all_in_one', TRUE) && count($products) > 1) {
    foreach ($products as $product) {
      if ($product->nid) {

        // Packages are grouped by the address from which they will be
        // shipped. We will keep track of the different addresses in an array
        // and use their keys for the array of packages.
        $key = NULL;
        $address = uc_quote_get_default_shipping_address($product->nid);
        foreach ($addresses as $index => $value) {
          if ($address
            ->isSamePhysicalLocation($value)) {

            // This is an existing address.
            $key = $index;
        if (!isset($key)) {

          // This is a new address. Increment the address counter $last_key
          // instead of using [] so that it can be used in $packages and
          // $addresses.
          $addresses[++$last_key] = $address;
          $key = $last_key;

      // Add this product to the last package from the found address or start
      // a new package.
      if (isset($packages[$key]) && count($packages[$key])) {
        $package = array_pop($packages[$key]);
      else {
        $package = _uc_ups_new_package();

      // Grab some product properties directly from the (cached) product
      // data. They are not normally available here because the $product
      // object is being read out of the $order object rather than from
      // the database, and the $order object only carries around a limited
      // number of product properties.
      $temp = node_load($product->nid);
      $product->length = $temp->length;
      $product->width = $temp->width;
      $product->height = $temp->height;
      $product->length_units = $temp->length_units;
      $product->ups['pkg_type'] = isset($temp->ups) ? $temp->ups['pkg_type'] : '02';
      $weight = $product->weight * $product->qty * uc_weight_conversion($product->weight_units, 'lb');
      $package->weight += $weight;
      $package->price += $product->price * $product->qty;
      $length_factor = uc_length_conversion($product->length_units, 'in');
      $package->length = max($product->length * $length_factor, $package->length);
      $package->width = max($product->width * $length_factor, $package->width);
      $package->height = max($product->height * $length_factor, $package->height);
      $packages[$key][] = $package;
    foreach ($packages as $addr_key => $shipment) {
      foreach ($shipment as $key => $package) {
        if (!$package->weight) {
        elseif ($package->weight > 150) {

          // UPS has a weight limit on packages of 150 lbs. Pretend the
          // products can be divided into enough packages.
          $qty = floor($package->weight / 150) + 1;
          $package->qty = $qty;
          $package->weight /= $qty;
          $package->price /= $qty;
  else {
    foreach ($products as $product) {
      $key = 0;
      if ($product->nid) {
        $address = uc_quote_get_default_shipping_address($product->nid);
        if (in_array($address, $addresses)) {

          // This is an existing address.
          foreach ($addresses as $index => $value) {
            if ($address == $value) {
              $key = $index;
        else {

          // This is a new address.
          $addresses[++$last_key] = $address;
          $key = $last_key;
      if (!isset($product->pkg_qty) || !$product->pkg_qty) {
        $product->pkg_qty = 1;
      $num_of_pkgs = (int) ($product->qty / $product->pkg_qty);

      // Grab some product properties directly from the (cached) product
      // data.  They are not normally available here because the $product
      // object is being read out of the $order object rather than from
      // the database, and the $order object only carries around a limited
      // number of product properties.
      $temp = node_load($product->nid);
      $product->length = $temp->length;
      $product->width = $temp->width;
      $product->height = $temp->height;
      $product->length_units = $temp->length_units;
      $product->ups['pkg_type'] = isset($temp->ups) ? $temp->ups['pkg_type'] : '02';
      if ($num_of_pkgs) {
        $package = clone $product;
        $package->description = $product->model;
        $package->weight = $product->weight * $product->pkg_qty;
        $package->price = $product->price * $product->pkg_qty;
        $package->qty = $num_of_pkgs;
        $package->pkg_type = $product->ups['pkg_type'];
        if ($package->weight) {
          $packages[$key][] = $package;
      $remaining_qty = $product->qty % $product->pkg_qty;
      if ($remaining_qty) {
        $package = clone $product;
        $package->description = $product->model;
        $package->weight = $product->weight * $remaining_qty;
        $package->price = $product->price * $remaining_qty;
        $package->qty = 1;
        $package->pkg_type = $product->ups['pkg_type'];
        if ($package->weight) {
          $packages[$key][] = $package;
  if (!count($packages)) {
    return array();
  $dest = (object) $details;
  foreach ($packages as $key => $ship_packages) {
    $orig = $addresses[$key];
    $orig->email = uc_store_email();
    foreach (array_keys(array_filter(variable_get('uc_ups_services', array()))) as $ups_service) {
      $request = uc_ups_shipping_quote($ship_packages, $orig, $dest, $ups_service);
      $resp = drupal_http_request(variable_get('uc_ups_connection_address', '') . 'Rate', array(
        'method' => 'POST',
        'data' => $request,
      if (user_access('configure quotes') && variable_get('uc_quote_display_debug', FALSE)) {
        if (!isset($debug_data[$ups_service]['debug'])) {
          $debug_data[$ups_service]['debug'] = '';
        $debug_data[$ups_service]['debug'] .= htmlentities($request) . ' <br /><br /> ' . htmlentities($resp->data);
      $response = new SimpleXMLElement($resp->data);
      if (isset($response->Response->Error)) {
        foreach ($response->Response->Error as $error) {
          if (user_access('configure quotes') && variable_get('uc_quote_display_debug', FALSE)) {
            $debug_data[$ups_service]['error'][] = (string) $error->ErrorSeverity . ' ' . (string) $error->ErrorCode . ': ' . (string) $error->ErrorDescription;
          if (strpos((string) $error->ErrorSeverity, 'Hard') !== FALSE) {

            // All or nothing quote. If some products can't be shipped by
            // a certain service, no quote is given for that service. If
            // that means no quotes are given at all, they'd better call in.

      // If NegotiatedRates exist, quote based on those, otherwise, use
      // TotalCharges.
      if (isset($response->RatedShipment)) {
        $charge = $response->RatedShipment->TotalCharges;
        if (isset($response->RatedShipment->NegotiatedRates)) {
          $charge = $response->RatedShipment->NegotiatedRates->NetSummaryCharges->GrandTotal;
        if (!isset($charge->CurrencyCode) || (string) $charge->CurrencyCode == variable_get('uc_currency_code', "USD")) {

          // Markup rate before customer sees it.
          if (!isset($quotes[$ups_service]['rate'])) {
            $quotes[$ups_service]['rate'] = 0;
          $rate = uc_ups_rate_markup((string) $charge->MonetaryValue);
          $quotes[$ups_service]['rate'] += $rate;

  // Sort quotes by price, lowest to highest.
  uasort($quotes, 'uc_quote_price_sort');
  foreach ($quotes as $key => $quote) {
    if (isset($quote['rate'])) {
      $quotes[$key]['rate'] = $quote['rate'];
      $quotes[$key]['label'] = $method['quote']['accessorials'][$key];
      $quotes[$key]['option_label'] = theme('uc_ups_option_label', array(
        'service' => $method['quote']['accessorials'][$key],
        'packages' => $packages,

  // Merge debug data into $quotes.  This is necessary because
  // $debug_data is not sortable by a 'rate' key, so it has to be
  // kept separate from the $quotes data until this point.
  if (isset($debug_data)) {
    foreach ($debug_data as $key => $data) {
      if (isset($quotes[$key])) {

        // This is debug data for successful quotes.
        $quotes[$key]['debug'] = $debug_data[$key]['debug'];
        if (isset($debug_data[$key]['error'])) {
          $quotes[$key]['error'] = $debug_data[$key]['error'];
      else {

        // This is debug data for quotes that returned error responses from UPS.
        $quotes[$key] = $debug_data[$key];
  return $quotes;

 * Constructs a void shipment request.
 * @param $shipment_number
 *   The UPS shipment tracking number.
 * @param $tracking_numbers
 *   Array of tracking numbers for individual packages in the shipment.
 *   Optional for shipments of only one package, as they have the same tracking
 *   number.
 * @return
 *   XML VoidShipmentRequest message.
function uc_ups_void_shipment_request($shipment_number, $tracking_numbers = array()) {
  $schema = uc_ups_access_request();
  $schema .= '<?xml version="1.0"?>';
  $schema .= '<VoidShipmentRequest>';
  $schema .= '<Request>';
  $schema .= '<RequestAction>Void</RequestAction>';
  $schema .= '<TransactionReference>';
  $schema .= '<CustomerContext>';
  $schema .= t('Void shipment @ship_number and tracking numbers @track_list', array(
    '@ship_number' => $shipment_number,
    '@track_list' => implode(', ', $tracking_numbers),
  $schema .= '</CustomerContext>';
  $schema .= '<XpciVersion>1.0</XpciVersion>';
  $schema .= '</TransactionReference>';
  $schema .= '</Request>';
  $schema .= '<ExpandedVoidShipment>';
  $schema .= '<ShipmentIdentificationNumber>' . $shipment_number . '</ShipmentIdentificationNumber>';
  foreach ($tracking_numbers as $number) {
    $schema .= '<TrackingNumber>' . $number . '</TrackingNumber>';
  $schema .= '</ExpandedVoidShipment>';
  $schema .= '</VoidShipmentRequest>';
  return $schema;

 * Instructs UPS to cancel (in whole or in part) a shipment.
 * @param $shipment_number
 *   The UPS shipment tracking number.
 * @param $tracking_numbers
 *   Array of tracking numbers for individual packages in the shipment.
 *   Optional for shipments of only one package, as they have the same tracking
 *   number.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if the shipment or packages were successfully voided.
function uc_ups_void_shipment($shipment_number, $tracking_numbers = array()) {
  $success = FALSE;
  $request = uc_ups_void_shipment_request($shipment_number, $tracking_numbers);
  $resp = drupal_http_request(variable_get('uc_ups_connection_address', '') . 'Void', array(
    'method' => 'POST',
    'data' => $request,
  $response = new SimpleXMLElement($resp->data);
  if (isset($response->Response)) {
    if (isset($response->Response->ResponseStatusCode)) {
      $success = (string) $response->Response->ResponseStatusCode;
    if (isset($response->Response->Error)) {
      foreach ($response->Response->Error as $error) {
        drupal_set_message((string) $error->ErrorSeverity . ' ' . (string) $error->ErrorCode . ': ' . (string) $error->ErrorDescription, 'error');
  if (isset($response->Status)) {
    if (isset($response->Status->StatusType)) {
      $success = (string) $response->Status->StatusType->Code;
  return (bool) $success;

 * Modifies the rate received from UPS before displaying to the customer.
 * @param $rate
 *   Shipping rate without any rate markup.
 * @return
 *   Shipping rate after markup.
function uc_ups_rate_markup($rate) {
  $markup = trim(variable_get('uc_ups_rate_markup', '0'));
  $type = variable_get('uc_ups_rate_markup_type', 'percentage');
  if (is_numeric($markup)) {
    switch ($type) {
      case 'percentage':
        return $rate + $rate * floatval($markup) / 100;
      case 'multiplier':
        return $rate * floatval($markup);
      case 'currency':
        return $rate + floatval($markup);
  else {
    return $rate;

 * Modifies the weight of shipment before sending to UPS for a quote.
 * @param $weight
 *   Shipping weight without any weight markup.
 * @return
 *   Shipping weight after markup.
function uc_ups_weight_markup($weight) {
  $markup = trim(variable_get('uc_ups_weight_markup', '0'));
  $type = variable_get('uc_ups_weight_markup_type', 'percentage');
  if (is_numeric($markup)) {
    switch ($type) {
      case 'percentage':
        return $weight + $weight * floatval($markup) / 100;
      case 'multiplier':
        return $weight * floatval($markup);
      case 'mass':
        return $weight + floatval($markup);
  else {
    return $weight;

 * Convenience function to get UPS codes for their services.
function _uc_ups_service_list() {
  return array(
    // Domestic services.
    '03' => t('UPS Ground'),
    '01' => t('UPS Next Day Air'),
    '13' => t('UPS Next Day Air Saver'),
    '14' => t('UPS Next Day Early A.M.'),
    '02' => t('UPS 2nd Day Air'),
    '59' => t('UPS 2nd Day Air A.M.'),
    '12' => t('UPS 3 Day Select'),
    // International services.
    '11' => t('UPS Standard'),
    '07' => t('UPS Worldwide Express'),
    '08' => t('UPS Worldwide Expedited'),
    '54' => t('UPS Worldwide Express Plus'),
    '65' => t('UPS Worldwide Saver'),

 * Convenience function to get UPS codes for their package types.
function _uc_ups_pkg_types() {
  return array(
    // Customer Supplied Page is first so it will be the default.
    '02' => t('Customer Supplied Package'),
    '01' => t('UPS Letter'),
    '03' => t('Tube'),
    '04' => t('PAK'),
    '21' => t('UPS Express Box'),
    '24' => t('UPS 25KG Box'),
    '25' => t('UPS 10KG Box'),
    '30' => t('Pallet'),
    '2a' => t('Small Express Box'),
    '2b' => t('Medium Express Box'),
    '2c' => t('Large Express Box'),

 * Pseudo-constructor to set default values of a package.
function _uc_ups_new_package() {
  $package = new stdClass();
  $package->weight = 0;
  $package->price = 0;
  $package->length = 0;
  $package->width = 0;
  $package->height = 0;
  $package->length_units = 'in';
  $package->weight_units = 'lb';
  $package->qty = 1;
  $package->pkg_type = '02';
  return $package;


Namesort descending Description
uc_ups_access_request Returns XML access request to be prepended to all requests to the UPS webservice.
uc_ups_cron Implements hook_cron().
uc_ups_form_alter Implements hook_form_alter().
uc_ups_menu Implements hook_menu().
uc_ups_node_delete Implements hook_node_delete().
uc_ups_node_insert Implements hook_node_insert().
uc_ups_node_load Implements hook_node_load().
uc_ups_node_revision_delete Implements hook_node_revision_delete().
uc_ups_node_update Implements hook_node_update().
uc_ups_product_alter_validate Validation handler for UPS product fields.
uc_ups_quote Callback for retrieving a UPS shipping quote.
uc_ups_rate_markup Modifies the rate received from UPS before displaying to the customer.
uc_ups_shipping_quote Constructs an XML quote request.
uc_ups_theme Implements hook_theme().
uc_ups_uc_shipping_method Implements hook_uc_shipping_method().
uc_ups_uc_shipping_type Implements hook_uc_shipping_type().
uc_ups_uc_store_status Implements hook_uc_store_status().
uc_ups_void_shipment Instructs UPS to cancel (in whole or in part) a shipment.
uc_ups_void_shipment_request Constructs a void shipment request.
uc_ups_weight_markup Modifies the weight of shipment before sending to UPS for a quote.
_uc_ups_new_package Pseudo-constructor to set default values of a package.
_uc_ups_pkg_types Convenience function to get UPS codes for their package types.
_uc_ups_service_list Convenience function to get UPS codes for their services.