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public function UcAddress::isSamePhysicalLocation in Ubercart 7.3

Compares two UcAddress objects to determine if they represent the same physical address.

Address properties such as first_name, phone, and email aren't considered in this comparison because they don't contain information about the physical location.


$address: An object of type UcAddress.

Return value

TRUE if the two addresses are the same physical location, else FALSE.


uc_store/classes/, line 74
UcAddress utility class definition.


Defines an object to hold Ubercart mailing address information.


public function isSamePhysicalLocation(UcAddress $address) {
  $physicalProperty = array(
  foreach ($physicalProperty as $property) {

    // Canonicalize properties before comparing.
    if (UcAddress::makeCanonical($this->{$property}) != UcAddress::makeCanonical($address->{$property})) {
      return FALSE;
  return TRUE;