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function uc_quote_methods in Ubercart 7.3

Returns an array of available shipping quote methods.


$all: If FALSE, only enabled shipping methods are returned.

5 calls to uc_quote_methods()
uc_checkout_pane_quotes in shipping/uc_quote/uc_quote.module
Shipping quote checkout pane callback.
uc_paypal_ec_review_form_submit in payment/uc_paypal/
uc_quote_apply_quote_to_order in shipping/uc_quote/uc_quote.module
Ajax callback: Manually applies a shipping quote to an order.
uc_quote_assemble_quotes in shipping/uc_quote/
Pulls the get_quote_from_* triggers and assembles their returned data.
uc_quote_method_settings in shipping/uc_quote/
Settings for the shipping quote methods.


shipping/uc_quote/uc_quote.module, line 929
The controller module for fulfillment modules that process physical goods.


function uc_quote_methods($all = FALSE) {
  $enabled = variable_get('uc_quote_enabled', array());
  $weight = variable_get('uc_quote_method_weight', array());
  $methods = array();
  foreach (module_invoke_all('uc_shipping_method') as $id => $method) {

    // Set defaults.
    $method += array(
      'enabled' => FALSE,
      'weight' => 0,

    // Override defaults with store configuration, if any.
    if (isset($enabled[$id])) {
      $method['enabled'] = $enabled[$id];
    if (isset($weight[$id])) {
      $method['weight'] = $weight[$id];
    if ($all || $method['enabled']) {
      $methods[$id] = $method;
  uasort($methods, '_uc_quote_type_sort');
  return $methods;