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function uc_quote_ca_trigger in Ubercart 6.2

Implements hook_ca_trigger().

Registers an event for each shipping method. Enabled methods have active configurations.


shipping/uc_quote/uc_quote.module, line 253
The controller module for fulfillment modules that process physical goods.


function uc_quote_ca_trigger() {
  $methods = module_invoke_all('shipping_method');
  $triggers = array();
  foreach ($methods as $id => $method) {
    $triggers['get_quote_from_' . $id] = array(
      '#title' => t('Getting shipping quote via !method', array(
        '!method' => $method['title'],
      '#category' => t('Quote'),
      '#hidden' => TRUE,
      '#arguments' => array(
        'order' => array(
          '#entity' => 'uc_order',
          '#title' => t('Order'),
        'method' => array(
          '#entity' => 'quote_method',
          '#title' => t('Quote method'),
        'account' => array(
          '#entity' => 'user',
          '#title' => t('User account'),
  return $triggers;