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public function ShippingQuoteMethodListBuilder::render in Ubercart 8.4

Builds the entity listing as renderable array for table.html.twig.

@todo Add a link to add a new item to the #empty text.

Overrides DraggableListBuilder::render


shipping/uc_quote/src/ShippingQuoteMethodListBuilder.php, line 160


Provides a listing of shipping quote method entities.




public function render() {
  $build['description'] = [
    '#markup' => '<p>' . $this
      ->t('By default, only "Flat rate", "Percentage rate" and "Weight quote" shipping methods are listed here. To see additional shipping methods you must <a href=":install">install additional modules</a>. For more information about shipping methods and settings please read the <a href=":doc">Ubercart Documentation</a>.', [
      ':install' => Url::fromRoute('system.modules_list', [], [
        'fragment' => 'edit-modules-ubercart-shipping',
      ':doc' => Url::fromUri('')
    ]) . '</p><p>' . $this
      ->t('The order of methods shown below is the order those methods will appear on the checkout page. To re-order, drag the method to its desired location using the drag icon then save the configuration using the button at the bottom of the page.') . '</p>',
  $build += parent::render();
  return $build;