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public function FulfillmentTest::testFulfillmentProcess in Ubercart 8.4

Tests packaging and shipping a simple order with the "Manual" plugin.


shipping/uc_fulfillment/tests/src/Functional/FulfillmentTest.php, line 15


Tests fulfillment backend functionality.




public function testFulfillmentProcess() {

  // Log on as administrator to fulfill order.

  /** @var \Drupal\Tests\WebAssert $assert */
  $assert = $this

  // A payment method for the order.
  $method = $this

  // Create an anonymous, shippable order.
  $order = $this
    'uid' => 0,
    'payment_method' => $method['id'],
    'primary_email' => $this
      ->randomMachineName() . '',
  $order->products[1]->data->shippable = 1;

  // Check out with the test product.
    ->id(), 'other', $order

  // Check for Packages tab and Shipments tab. BOTH should
  // redirect us to $order->id()/packages/new at this point,
  // because we have no packages or shipments yet.
  // Test Packages tab.
    ->drupalGet('admin/store/orders/' . $order

  // Test presence of tab to package products.
    ->linkByHrefExists('admin/store/orders/' . $order
    ->id() . '/packages');

  // Go to packages tab.

  // Check redirected path.
    ->addressEquals('admin/store/orders/' . $order
    ->id() . '/packages/new');
    ->pageTextContains("This order's products have not been organized into packages.", 'Packages tab found.');

  // Test Shipments tab.
    ->drupalGet('admin/store/orders/' . $order

  // Test presence of tab to make shipments.
    ->linkByHrefExists('admin/store/orders/' . $order
    ->id() . '/shipments');

  // Go to Shipments tab.

  // Check redirected path.
    ->addressEquals('admin/store/orders/' . $order
    ->id() . '/packages/new');
    ->pageTextContains("This order's products have not been organized into packages.", 'Shipments tab found.');

  // Now package the products in this order.
    ->drupalGet('admin/store/orders/' . $order
    ->id() . '/packages');
    ->pageTextContains($order->products[1]->title->value, 'Product title found.');
    ->pageTextContains($order->products[1]->model->value, 'Product sku found.');

  // Check that product is available for packaging.
    ->fieldValueEquals('shipping_types[small_package][table][' . $order
    ->id() . '][checked]', '');

  // Select product and create one package.
    'shipping_types[small_package][table][' . $order
      ->id() . '][checked]' => 1,
  ], 'Create one package');

  // Check that we're now on the package list page.
    ->addressEquals('admin/store/orders/' . $order
    ->id() . '/packages');
    ->pageTextContains($order->products[1]->qty->value . ' x ' . $order->products[1]->model->value, 'Product quantity x SKU found.');

  // Test the Shipments tab.
    ->drupalGet('admin/store/orders/' . $order

  // Check redirected path.
    ->addressEquals('admin/store/orders/' . $order
    ->id() . '/shipments/new');
    ->pageTextContains('No shipments have been made for this order.', 'New shipments page reached.');
    ->pageTextContains($order->products[1]->qty->value . ' x ' . $order->products[1]->model->value, 'Product quantity x SKU found.');

  // Check that manual shipping method is selected.
    ->fieldValueEquals('method', 'manual');

  // Select all packages and make shipment using the default "Manual" method.
    'shipping_types[small_package][table][' . $order
      ->id() . '][checked]' => 1,
  ], 'Ship packages');

  // Check that we're now on the shipment details page.
    ->addressEquals('admin/store/orders/' . $order
    ->id() . '/ship?method_id=manual&0=1');
    ->pageTextContains('Origin address', 'Origin address pane found.');
    ->pageTextContains('Destination address', 'Destination address pane found.');
    ->pageTextContains('Package 1', 'Packages data pane found.');
    ->pageTextContains('Shipment data', 'Shipment data pane found.');

  // Make the shipment.
  $edit = $this
    ->submitForm($edit, 'Save shipment');

  // Check that we're now on the shipments overview page.
    ->addressEquals('admin/store/orders/' . $order
    ->id() . '/shipments');
    ->pageTextContains('Shipment ID', 'Shipment summary found.');
    ->pageTextContains('1234567890ABCD', 'Shipment data present.');

  // Check for "Tracking" order pane after this order has
  // been shipped and a tracking number entered.
    ->drupalGet('admin/store/orders/' . $order
    ->pageTextContains('Tracking numbers:', 'Tracking order pane found.');
    ->pageTextContains('1234567890ABCD', 'Tracking number found.');

  // Delete Order and check to see all Package/Shipment data has been removed.