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CashOnDeliveryTest.php in Ubercart 8.4


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namespace Drupal\Tests\uc_payment_pack\Functional;

use Drupal\uc_order\Entity\Order;

 * Tests the payment method pack CashOnDelivery payment method.
 * @group ubercart
class CashOnDeliveryTest extends PaymentPackTestBase {

   * Tests for CashOnDelivery payment method.
  public function testCashOnDelivery() {

    /** @var \Drupal\Tests\WebAssert $assert */
    $assert = $this

    // Verify that default COD policy is found.
      ->fieldValueEquals('settings[policy]', 'Full payment is expected upon delivery or prior to pick-up.');
    $cod = $this
      ->createPaymentMethod('cod', [
      'settings[policy]' => $this

    // @todo Test enabling delivery date on settings page.
    // Test checkout page.

    // Verify that COD payment method is selected at checkout.
      ->fieldValueEquals('panes[payment][payment_method]', $cod['id']);
      ->assertEscaped($cod['settings[policy]'], 'COD policy found at checkout.');

    // Test review order page.
      ->submitForm([], 'Review order');

    // Check that COD payment method was found on the review order page.
      ->pageTextContains('Cash on delivery');
      ->submitForm([], 'Submit order');

    // Test user order view.
    $order = Order::load(1);
      ->assertEquals($cod['id'], $order
      ->getPaymentMethodId(), 'Order has COD payment method.');
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $order
      ->getOwnerId() . '/orders/' . $order

    // Check that COD payment method is displayed on user orders page.
      ->pageTextContains('Method: Cash on delivery');

    // Test admin order view.
      ->drupalGet('admin/store/orders/' . $order

    // Check that COD payment method is displayed on admin orders page.
      ->pageTextContains('Method: Cash on delivery');



Namesort descending Description
CashOnDeliveryTest Tests the payment method pack CashOnDelivery payment method.