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uc_payment.module in Ubercart 8.4

Defines the payment API that lets payment modules interact with Ubercart.

The payment system in Ubercart relies on hooks to let the main program know what payment modules are installed and what their current settings are. The customer can choose a payment type at checkout, and the proper information will be collected to complete the purchase.


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 * @file
 * Defines the payment API that lets payment modules interact with Ubercart.
 * The payment system in Ubercart relies on hooks to let the main program know
 * what payment modules are installed and what their current settings are. The
 * customer can choose a payment type at checkout, and the proper information
 * will be collected to complete the purchase.
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Xss;
use Drupal\uc_order\Entity\Order;
use Drupal\uc_order\OrderInterface;
use Drupal\uc_payment\Entity\PaymentMethod;
use Drupal\uc_payment\Entity\PaymentReceipt;
use Drupal\uc_payment\Event\PaymentEnteredEvent;
use Drupal\uc_payment\ExpressPaymentMethodPluginInterface;
use Drupal\uc_payment\Form\OffsitePaymentMethodForm;
use Drupal\uc_payment\OffsitePaymentMethodPluginInterface;
use Drupal\uc_payment\PaymentReceiptInterface;

 * Implements hook_theme().
function uc_payment_theme() {
  return [
    'uc_payment_totals' => [
      'variables' => [
        'order' => NULL,
      'template' => 'uc-payment-totals',

 * Prepares variables for the payment totals template.
 * Default template: uc-payment-totals.html.twig.
function template_preprocess_uc_payment_totals(&$variables) {
  $variables['line_items'] = $variables['order']
  foreach ($variables['line_items'] as $key => $line) {
    $variables['line_items'][$key]['title'] = Xss::filter($line['title']);
    $variables['line_items'][$key]['amount'] = uc_currency_format($line['amount']);

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for uc_cart_view_form().
 * Adds express buttons for enabled payment methods directly to the cart page.
function uc_payment_form_uc_cart_view_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $methods = PaymentMethod::loadMultiple();
  foreach ($methods as $method) {
    $plugin = $method
    if ($plugin instanceof ExpressPaymentMethodPluginInterface) {
        ->id()] = $plugin

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for uc_cart_checkout_review_form().
 * If a payment method redirects off-site, add the required form to the review
 * page.
function uc_payment_form_uc_cart_checkout_review_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $form['#validate'][] = 'uc_payment_checkout_review_form_validate';
  $order = $form_state

  /** @var \Drupal\uc_payment\PaymentMethodPluginInterface $plugin */
  $plugin = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.uc_payment.method')
  if ($plugin instanceof OffsitePaymentMethodPluginInterface) {
    $offsite_form = new OffsitePaymentMethodForm($plugin);
    $suffix = \Drupal::formBuilder()
      ->getForm($offsite_form, $order);
    if (!empty($suffix['actions'])) {
      $form['#suffix'] = \Drupal::service('renderer')

 * Validation callback for the checkout review form.
function uc_payment_checkout_review_form_validate($form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $order = $form_state

  /** @var \Drupal\uc_payment\PaymentMethodPluginInterface $plugin */
  $plugin = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.uc_payment.method')

  // If the plugin failed for any reason, show the message to the user.
  if ($message = $plugin
    ->orderSubmit($order)) {
      ->setErrorByName('', $message);

 * Implements hook_uc_payment_method_checkout_alter().
function uc_payment_uc_payment_method_checkout_alter(array &$methods, OrderInterface $order) {
  if (isset($methods['free_order'])) {
    if ($order
      ->getTotal() < 0.01) {

      // Unset all other payment methods if this is a free order.
      foreach (array_keys($methods) as $key) {
        if ($key != 'free_order') {
    else {

      // Disallow this payment method if the order is not free.

 * Enters a payment for an order.
 * @param int $order_id
 *   The order ID to apply the payment to.
 * @param string $method
 *   The payment method plugin ID.
 * @param float $amount
 *   The amount of the payment.
 * @param int $uid
 *   (optional) The user ID of the person logging the payment, or 0 if the
 *   payment was processed automatically.
 * @param array $data
 *   (optional) Any data that should be serialized and stored with the
 *   payment.
 * @param string $comment
 *   (optional) The comment to enter in the payment log.
 * @param int $received
 *   (optional) The timestamp at which the payment was received.
 * @return string
 *   A unique ID identifying the PaymentReceipt entity.
function uc_payment_enter($order_id, $method, $amount, $uid = 0, array $data = NULL, $comment = '', $received = NULL) {
  if (is_null($received)) {
    $received = \Drupal::time()
  $order = Order::load($order_id);
  $receipt = PaymentReceipt::create([
    'order_id' => $order_id,
    'method' => $method,
    'amount' => $amount,
    'currency' => $order
    'uid' => $uid,
    'data' => is_array($data) ? $data : serialize($data),
    'comment' => $comment,
    'received' => $received,
  return $receipt

 * Implements hook_uc_payment_receipt_insert().
function uc_payment_uc_payment_receipt_insert(PaymentReceiptInterface $payment) {
  $order = $payment

  // Log a message against the order.
  $method_name = $payment
    ->getMethod() ? $payment
    ->cartReviewTitle() : t('Other');
  $log_message = t('@method payment for @amount entered.', [
    '@method' => $method_name,
    '@amount' => uc_currency_format($payment

  //\Drupal::moduleHandler()->invokeAll('uc_payment_entered', [$order, $method, $amount, $order->getOwner(), $data, $comment]);

  /* rules_invoke_event('uc_payment_entered', $order, $account); */
  $event = new PaymentEnteredEvent($order, $order
    ->dispatch($event::EVENT_NAME, $event);

  // @todo Uncomment this if{} statement when Rules is working.
  // Automatically mark paid orders as "payment received"
  // if Rules is not available.

  //if (!\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('rules')) {
  if (uc_payment_balance($order) <= 0) {
    $state = $order
    if ($state == 'in_checkout' || $state == 'post_checkout') {


 * Implements hook_uc_payment_receipt_delete().
function uc_payment_uc_payment_receipt_delete(PaymentReceiptInterface $payment) {
  $order = $payment

  // Log a message against the order.
  $method_name = $payment
    ->getMethod() ? $payment
    ->cartReviewTitle() : t('Other');
  $log_message = t('@method payment for @amount deleted.', [
    '@method' => $method_name,
    '@amount' => uc_currency_format($payment

 * Implements hook_uc_order_load().
function uc_payment_uc_order_load($orders) {
  foreach ($orders as $order) {
    if ($order
      ->getPaymentMethodId()) {

 * Implements hook_uc_order_presave().
function uc_payment_uc_order_presave(OrderInterface $order) {
  if ($order
    ->getPaymentMethodId()) {

  // @todo Uncomment this if{} statement when Rules is working.
  // Automatically move non-shippable orders from "payment received" to
  // "completed" if Rules is not available.

  //if (!\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('rules')) {
  if ($order
    ->getStatusId() == 'payment_received' && !$order
    ->isShippable()) {


 * Implements hook_uc_order_can_delete().
function uc_payment_uc_order_can_delete(OrderInterface $order) {
  if (uc_payment_load_payments($order
    ->id())) {
    return FALSE;

 * Implements hook_uc_order_delete().
function uc_payment_uc_order_delete(OrderInterface $order) {
  $result = \Drupal::entityQuery('uc_payment_receipt')
    ->condition('order_id', $order
  if (!empty($result)) {
    $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    $entities = $storage

  // Call each payment method to delete method-specific data from the database.
  foreach (uc_payment_method_list() as $id => $method) {

 * Deletes a payment from the database.
 * @param string $receipt_id
 *   A PaymentReceipt entity id.
function uc_payment_delete($receipt_id) {
  if (!is_numeric($receipt_id)) {
    return FALSE;

  /** @var \Drupal\uc_payment\PaymentReceiptInterface $payment */
  $payment = PaymentReceipt::load($receipt_id);

 * Returns the balance of payments on an order.
 * @param \Drupal\uc_order\OrderInterface $order
 *   An order entity.
function uc_payment_balance(OrderInterface $order) {
  $total = $order
  $payments = uc_payment_load_payments($order
  if ($payments === FALSE) {
    return $total;
  foreach ($payments as $payment) {
    $total -= $payment
  return $total;

 * Loads an array of all the payments for an order.
 * @param int $order_id
 *   The order's id.
 * @return \Drupal\uc_payment\PaymentReceiptInterface[]
 *   Array of PaymentReceipt entities.
function uc_payment_load_payments($order_id) {
  $result = \Drupal::entityQuery('uc_payment_receipt')
    ->condition('order_id', $order_id)
  if (!empty($result)) {
    $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    return $storage
  return [];

 * Returns a list of available payment methods plugins.
 * @return array
 *   An array of payment method definitions, keyed by method ID.
function uc_payment_method_list() {
  return \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.uc_payment.method')


Namesort descending Description
template_preprocess_uc_payment_totals Prepares variables for the payment totals template.
uc_payment_balance Returns the balance of payments on an order.
uc_payment_checkout_review_form_validate Validation callback for the checkout review form.
uc_payment_delete Deletes a payment from the database.
uc_payment_enter Enters a payment for an order.
uc_payment_form_uc_cart_checkout_review_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for uc_cart_checkout_review_form().
uc_payment_form_uc_cart_view_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for uc_cart_view_form().
uc_payment_load_payments Loads an array of all the payments for an order.
uc_payment_method_list Returns a list of available payment methods plugins.
uc_payment_theme Implements hook_theme().
uc_payment_uc_order_can_delete Implements hook_uc_order_can_delete().
uc_payment_uc_order_delete Implements hook_uc_order_delete().
uc_payment_uc_order_load Implements hook_uc_order_load().
uc_payment_uc_order_presave Implements hook_uc_order_presave().
uc_payment_uc_payment_method_checkout_alter Implements hook_uc_payment_method_checkout_alter().
uc_payment_uc_payment_receipt_delete Implements hook_uc_payment_receipt_delete().
uc_payment_uc_payment_receipt_insert Implements hook_uc_payment_receipt_insert().