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public function OrderPaymentsFormTest::testOrderPayments in Ubercart 8.4

Tests administration form for displaying, entering, and deleting payments.


payment/uc_payment/tests/src/Functional/OrderPaymentsFormTest.php, line 52


Tests the order payments form.




public function testOrderPayments() {

  // Check out with the test product.
  $method = $this
  $order = $this

  // Add a payment of $1 so that the order total and
  // current balance are different.
    ->id(), 'check', 1.0);

  // Log in as admin user to test order payments form.

  /** @var \Drupal\Tests\WebAssert $assert */
  $assert = $this

  // Goto order payments form and confirm order total and
  // payments total of $1 show up.
    ->drupalGet('admin/store/orders/' . $order
    ->id() . '/payments');
    ->responseContains('<span class="uc-price">' . uc_currency_format($order
    ->getTotal()) . '</span>', 'Order total is correct');
    ->responseContains('<span class="uc-price">' . uc_currency_format($order
    ->getTotal() - 1.0) . '</span>', 'Current balance is correct');

  // Add a partial payment.
  $first_payment = round($order
    ->getTotal() / 4.0, $this->precision);
  $edit = [
    'amount' => $first_payment,
    'method' => 'check',
    'comment' => 'Test <b>markup</b> in comments.',
    ->drupalGet('admin/store/orders/' . $order
    ->id() . '/payments');
    ->submitForm($edit, 'Record payment');
    ->pageTextContains('Payment entered.');

  // Verify partial payment shows up in table.
    ->responseContains('<span class="uc-price">' . uc_currency_format($first_payment) . '</span>', 'Payment appears on page.');

  // Verify balance.
    ->responseContains('<span class="uc-price">' . uc_currency_format($order
    ->getTotal() - 1.0 - $first_payment) . '</span>', 'Current balance is correct');

  // Verify markup in comments.
    ->responseContains('Test <b>markup</b> in comments.', 'Markup is preserved in payment receipt comments.');

  // Add another partial payment.
  $second_payment = round($order
    ->getTotal() / 2.0, $this->precision);
  $edit = [
    'amount' => $second_payment,
    'method' => 'check',
    'comment' => 'Test <em>markup</em> in comments.',
    ->drupalGet('admin/store/orders/' . $order
    ->id() . '/payments');
    ->submitForm($edit, 'Record payment');

  // Verify partial payment shows up in table.
    ->responseContains('<span class="uc-price">' . uc_currency_format($second_payment) . '</span>', 'Payment appears on page.');

  // Verify balance.
    ->responseContains('<span class="uc-price">' . uc_currency_format($order
    ->getTotal() - 1.0 - $first_payment - $second_payment) . '</span>', 'Order total is correct');

  // Delete first partial payment.

  // Delete takes us to confirm page.
    ->addressEquals('admin/store/orders/' . $order
    ->id() . '/payments/1/delete');

  // Check that the deletion confirm question was found.
    ->pageTextContains('Are you sure you want to delete this payment?');

  // "Cancel" returns to the payments list page.
    ->linkByHrefExists('admin/store/orders/' . $order
    ->id() . '/payments');

  // Again with the "Delete".
  // Delete the first partial payment, not the $1 initial payment.
    ->clickLink('Delete', 1);
    ->submitForm([], 'Delete');

  // Delete returns to new payments page.
    ->addressEquals('admin/store/orders/' . $order
    ->id() . '/payments');
    ->pageTextContains('Payment deleted.');

  // Verify balance has increased.
    ->responseContains('<span class="uc-price">' . uc_currency_format($order
    ->getTotal() - 1.0 - $second_payment) . '</span>', 'Current balance is correct');

  // Go to order log and ensure two payments and
  // one payment deletion were logged.
    ->drupalGet('admin/store/orders/' . $order
    ->id() . '/log');

  // Check that the first payment was logged.
    ->pageTextContains('Check payment for ' . uc_currency_format($first_payment) . ' entered.');

  // Check that the second payment was logged.
    ->pageTextContains('Check payment for ' . uc_currency_format($second_payment) . ' entered.');

  // Check that the payment deletion was logged.
    ->pageTextContains('Check payment for ' . uc_currency_format($first_payment) . ' deleted.');