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uc_authorizenet.module in Ubercart 8.4

Processes payments using Supports AIM and ARB.


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 * @file
 * Processes payments using Supports AIM and ARB.
use Drupal\uc_order\OrderInterface;

 * Implements hook_uc_payment_gateway().
function uc_authorizenet_uc_payment_gateway() {
  $gateways['authorizenet'] = [
    'title' => t(''),
    'description' => t('Process credit card payments using the AIM service of'),
    'settings' => 'uc_authorizenet_settings_form',
    'credit' => 'uc_authorizenet_charge',
    'credit_txn_types' => [
  return $gateways;

 * Creates a CIM profile using an order's data.
function _uc_authorizenet_cim_profile_create(OrderInterface $order) {
  $server = variable_get('uc_authnet_cim_mode', 'disabled');

  // Help build the request.
  $request = _uc_authorizenet_cim_profile_create_request($order);

  // Request a profile from
  $xml = _uc_authorizenet_xml_api_wrapper('createCustomerProfileRequest', _uc_authorizenet_array_to_xml($request));

  // Parse the response.
  $response = _uc_authorizenet_cim_parse_response(uc_authorizenet_xml_api($server, $xml));
  if ($response['resultCode'] == 'Error') {
      ->id(), 0, t('Authorize.Net: Creating CIM profile failed.<br />@error - @text', [
      '@error' => $response['code'],
      '@text' => $response['text'],
    ]), 'admin');
    return $response['text'];
  else {
      ->id(), 0, t('Authorize.Net: CIM profile created - @id', [
      '@id' => $response['customerProfileId'],

  // Save the new credit reference to the db.
  $order->data = uc_credit_log_reference($order
    ->id(), $response['customerProfileId'], $order->payment_details['cc_number']);
  return '';

 * Helper to create the CIM profile creation request.
function _uc_authorizenet_cim_profile_create_request(OrderInterface $order) {
  return [
    'refId' => substr($order
      ->id() . '-' . \Drupal::time()
      ->getRequestTime(), 0, 20),
    'profile' => [
      'merchantCustomerId' => substr($order
        ->getOwnerId(), 0, 20),
      'description' => substr(t('Order @order taking place at @date', [
        '@order' => $order
        '@date' => \Drupal::service('date.formatter')
      ]), 0, 255),
      'email' => substr($order
        ->getEmail(), 0, 255),
      'paymentProfiles' => [
        'billTo' => _uc_authorize_cim_xml_billto($order),
        'payment' => [
          'creditCard' => [
            'cardNumber' => $order->payment_details['cc_number'],
            'expirationDate' => $order->payment_details['cc_exp_year'] . '-' . str_pad($order->payment_details['cc_exp_month'], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT),
      'shipToList' => _uc_authorize_cim_xml_shipto($order),

 * Uses a reference to charge to a CIM profile.
function _uc_authorizenet_cim_profile_charge(OrderInterface $order, $amount, $data) {
  global $user;
  $server = variable_get('uc_authnet_cim_mode', 'disabled');

  // Help build the request.
  $request = _uc_authorizenet_cim_profile_charge_request($order, $amount, $data);

  // Check error state.
  if (array_key_exists('errorCode', $request)) {
    $comment[] = $request['text'];
    $result = [
      'success' => FALSE,
  else {

    // Request a profile from
    $xml = _uc_authorizenet_xml_api_wrapper('createCustomerProfileTransactionRequest', _uc_authorizenet_array_to_xml($request));

    // Parse the response.
    $response = _uc_authorizenet_cim_parse_response(uc_authorizenet_xml_api($server, $xml));

    // Error state.
    if ($response['resultCode'] == 'Error') {
      $result = [
        'success' => FALSE,
      $comment[] = '(' . $response['resultCode'] . ': ' . $response['text'] . ')';
    else {
      $result = [
        'success' => TRUE,

      // Build info message.
      $types = uc_credit_transaction_types();
      $comment[] = t('<b>@type:</b> @amount', [
        '@type' => $types[$data['txn_type']],
        '@amount' => uc_currency_format($amount),

    // Save a comment to the order.
      ->id(), $user
      ->id(), implode('<br />', $comment), 'admin');

  // Build the response to the payment gateway API.
  return $result + [
    'comment' => implode(', ', $comment),
    'message' => implode('<br />', $comment),
    'uid' => $user

 * Helper for building the request for a CIM profile charge.
function _uc_authorizenet_cim_profile_charge_request(OrderInterface $order, $amount, $data) {
  $profile = _uc_authorizenet_cim_profile_get($order, $data['ref_id']);
  if ($profile['resultCode'] == 'Error') {
    return $profile;
  else {
    return [
      'refId' => substr($order
        ->id() . '-' . \Drupal::time()
        ->getRequestTime(), 0, 20),
      'transaction' => [
        'profileTransAuthCapture' => [
          'amount' => uc_currency_format($amount, FALSE, FALSE, '.'),
          'customerProfileId' => $profile['customerProfileId'],
          'customerPaymentProfileId' => $profile['customerPaymentProfileId'],
          'customerShippingAddressId' => $profile['customerAddressId'],
          'order' => [
            'invoiceNumber' => $order

 * Gets a CIM profile stored at Authorize.Net.
function _uc_authorizenet_cim_profile_get(OrderInterface $order, $profile_id) {
  $server = variable_get('uc_authnet_cim_mode', 'disabled');
  $request = [
    'customerProfileId' => $profile_id,

  // Request a profile from
  $xml = _uc_authorizenet_xml_api_wrapper('getCustomerProfileRequest', _uc_authorizenet_array_to_xml($request));

  // Parse the response.
  $response = _uc_authorizenet_cim_parse_response(uc_authorizenet_xml_api($server, $xml));
  return $response;

 * Gets a CIM payment profile stored at
function _uc_authorizenet_cim_payment_profile_get(OrderInterface $order, $profile_id, $payment_profile_id) {
  $server = variable_get('uc_authnet_cim_mode', 'disabled');
  $request = [
    'customerProfileId' => $profile_id,

  // Request a profile from
  $xml = _uc_authorizenet_xml_api_wrapper('getCustomerPaymentProfileRequest', _uc_authorizenet_array_to_xml($request));

  // Parse the response.
  $response = _uc_authorizenet_cim_parse_response(uc_authorizenet_xml_api($server, $xml));
  return $response['resultCode'] == 'Error' ? FALSE : $response;

 * Helper function for XML API requests.
 * Wraps XML API request child elements in the request element and includes
 * the merchant authentication information.
function _uc_authorizenet_xml_api_wrapper($request, $xml) {
  return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><' . $request . ' xmlns="AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd"><merchantAuthentication>' . '<name>' . trim(variable_get('uc_authnet_api_login_id', '')) . '</name>' . '<transactionKey>' . trim(variable_get('uc_authnet_api_transaction_key', '')) . '</transactionKey></merchantAuthentication>' . $xml . '</' . $request . '>';

 * Converts a hierarchical array of elements into an XML string.
function _uc_authorizenet_array_to_xml($data) {
  $xml = '';

  // Loop through the elements in the data array.
  foreach ($data as $element => $contents) {
    if (is_array($contents)) {

      // Render the element with its child elements.
      $xml .= '<' . $element . '>' . _uc_authorizenet_array_to_xml($contents) . '</' . $element . '>';
    else {

      // Render the element with its contents.
      $xml .= '<' . $element . '>' . htmlspecialchars($contents) . '</' . $element . '>';
  return $xml;

 * Maps an order's billing information to an array for later XML conversion.
function _uc_authorize_cim_xml_billto(OrderInterface $order) {
  return [
    'firstName' => substr($order->billing_first_name, 0, 50),
    'lastName' => substr($order->billing_last_name, 0, 50),
    'company' => substr($order->billing_company, 0, 50),
    'address' => substr($order->billing_street1, 0, 60),
    'city' => substr($order->billing_city, 0, 40),
    'state' => substr($order->billing_zone, 0, 2),
    'zip' => substr($order->billing_postal_code, 0, 20),
    'country' => $order->billing_country,
    'phoneNumber' => substr($order->billing_phone, 0, 25),

 * Maps an order's shipping information to an array for later XML conversion.
function _uc_authorize_cim_xml_shipto(OrderInterface $order) {
  return [
    'firstName' => substr($order->delivery_first_name, 0, 50),
    'lastName' => substr($order->delivery_last_name, 0, 50),
    'company' => substr($order->delivery_company, 0, 50),
    'address' => substr($order->delivery_street1, 0, 60),
    'city' => substr($order->delivery_city, 0, 40),
    'state' => substr($order->delivery_zone, 0, 2),
    'zip' => substr($order->delivery_postal_code, 0, 20),
    'country' => $order->delivery_country,

 * Parses an Authorize.Net XML CIM API response.
function _uc_authorizenet_cim_parse_response($content) {

  // Find the elements in the XML and build the return array.
  $data = [
    'refId' => _uc_authorizenet_substr_between($content, 'refId'),
    'resultCode' => _uc_authorizenet_substr_between($content, 'resultCode'),
    'code' => _uc_authorizenet_substr_between($content, 'code'),
    'text' => _uc_authorizenet_substr_between($content, 'text'),
    'customerProfileId' => _uc_authorizenet_substr_between($content, 'customerProfileId'),
    'directResponse' => _uc_authorizenet_substr_between($content, 'directResponse'),
    'customerPaymentProfileId' => _uc_authorizenet_substr_between($content, 'customerPaymentProfileId'),
    'customerAddressId' => _uc_authorizenet_substr_between($content, 'customerAddressId'),
  return $data;

 * Parses an Authorize.Net XML API response; from sample PHP for ARB.
function _uc_authorizenet_arb_parse_response($content) {

  // Find the elements in the XML and build the return array.
  $data = [
    'refId' => _uc_authorizenet_substr_between($content, 'refId'),
    'resultCode' => _uc_authorizenet_substr_between($content, 'resultCode'),
    'code' => _uc_authorizenet_substr_between($content, 'code'),
    'text' => _uc_authorizenet_substr_between($content, 'text'),
    'subscriptionId' => _uc_authorizenet_substr_between($content, 'subscriptionId'),
  return $data;

 * Helper function for parsing responses; adapted from sample PHP for ARB.
function _uc_authorizenet_substr_between($string, $element) {
  $open = '<' . $element . '>';
  $close = '</' . $element . '>';

  // Fail if we can't find the open or close tag for the element.
  if (strpos($string, $open) === FALSE || strpos($string, $close) === FALSE) {
    return FALSE;
  $start = strpos($string, $open) + strlen($open);
  $end = strpos($string, $close);
  return substr($string, $start, $end - $start);

 * @todo Remove!
if (!function_exists('variable_get')) {

   * Temporary shim for removed variable_get().
  function variable_get($name, $default = NULL) {
    return $default;


Namesort descending Description
uc_authorizenet_uc_payment_gateway Implements hook_uc_payment_gateway().
_uc_authorizenet_arb_parse_response Parses an Authorize.Net XML API response; from sample PHP for ARB.
_uc_authorizenet_array_to_xml Converts a hierarchical array of elements into an XML string.
_uc_authorizenet_cim_parse_response Parses an Authorize.Net XML CIM API response.
_uc_authorizenet_cim_payment_profile_get Gets a CIM payment profile stored at
_uc_authorizenet_cim_profile_charge Uses a reference to charge to a CIM profile.
_uc_authorizenet_cim_profile_charge_request Helper for building the request for a CIM profile charge.
_uc_authorizenet_cim_profile_create Creates a CIM profile using an order's data.
_uc_authorizenet_cim_profile_create_request Helper to create the CIM profile creation request.
_uc_authorizenet_cim_profile_get Gets a CIM profile stored at Authorize.Net.
_uc_authorizenet_substr_between Helper function for parsing responses; adapted from sample PHP for ARB.
_uc_authorizenet_xml_api_wrapper Helper function for XML API requests.
_uc_authorize_cim_xml_billto Maps an order's billing information to an array for later XML conversion.
_uc_authorize_cim_xml_shipto Maps an order's shipping information to an array for later XML conversion.
