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namespace Drupal\uc_cart in Ubercart 8.4

Classsort descending Location Description
Cart uc_cart/src/Cart.php Utility class providing methods for the management of shopping carts.
CartBreadcrumbBuilder uc_cart/src/CartBreadcrumbBuilder.php Provides a custom breadcrumb builder for the cart page.
CartInterface uc_cart/src/CartInterface.php Represents a shopping cart.
CartItemInterface uc_cart/src/CartItemInterface.php Provides an interface defining a Ubercart cart item entity.
CartItemStorage uc_cart/src/CartItemStorage.php Controller class for cart items.
CartItemViewsData uc_cart/src/CartItemViewsData.php Provides the views data for the uc_order entity type.
CartManager uc_cart/src/CartManager.php Provides the cart manager service.
CartManagerInterface uc_cart/src/CartManagerInterface.php Defines a common interface for cart managers.
CheckoutPanePluginBase uc_cart/src/CheckoutPanePluginBase.php Defines a base checkout pane plugin implementation.
CheckoutPanePluginInterface uc_cart/src/CheckoutPanePluginInterface.php Defines an interface for checkout pane plugins.