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Files in Ubercart 5

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
uc_importer.install uc_importer/uc_importer.install
uc_importer.module uc_importer/uc_importer.module XML product importer and exporter. uc_notify/ name = Notify description = Send checkout and order email notifications to customers and administrators. dependencies = uc_store uc_order token package = "Ubercart - core (optional)"
uc_notify.install uc_notify/uc_notify.install
uc_notify.module uc_notify/uc_notify.module Handles configuration and execution of email notifications.
uc_order.css uc_order/uc_order.css .order-overview-form { float: left; padding: 0em 2em 0em 0em; } .order-overview-form .form-item { margin-bottom: 0em; } .order-overview-form #uc-order-select-form, .order-overview-form #uc-order-admin-sort-form { margin-bottom:… uc_order/ name = Order description = REQUIRED. Receive and manage orders through your website. dependencies = token workflow_ng ubrowser package = Ubercart - core
uc_order.install uc_order/uc_order.install
uc_order.module uc_order/uc_order.module uc_order/ This file contains the callbacks for the default line items for orders and the various functions that make line items work. uc_order/ This file contains the callbacks for the default order panes supplied with Ubercart and their corresponding helper functions. uc_order/ This file contains the Workflow-ng hooks and functions necessary to make the order related entity, conditions, events, and actions work. payment/uc_payment/ name = Payment description = Defines an API to let payment modules interact with the cart. dependencies = uc_order uc_store workflow_ng package = "Ubercart - core (optional)"
uc_payment.install payment/uc_payment/uc_payment.install
uc_payment.module payment/uc_payment/uc_payment.module payment/uc_payment/ payment/uc_payment/ This file contains the callbacks for the payment order pane supplied with Ubercart and their corresponding helper functions. payment/uc_payment_pack/ name = Payment Method Pack description = Provides the check/money order, COD, and 'other' payment methods. dependencies = uc_cart uc_order uc_payment package = "Ubercart - payment"
uc_payment_pack.install payment/uc_payment_pack/uc_payment_pack.install
uc_payment_pack.module payment/uc_payment_pack/uc_payment_pack.module Provides the check/money order, COD, and "other" payment methods. payment/uc_payment/ This file contains the Workflow-ng hooks and functions necessary to make the order related entity, conditions, events, and actions work. payment/uc_paypal/ name = PayPal description = Integrates various PayPal payment services and IPN feedback. dependencies = uc_payment package = "Ubercart - payment"
uc_paypal.install payment/uc_paypal/uc_paypal.install
uc_paypal.module payment/uc_paypal/uc_paypal.module Integrates various PayPal payment services and Instant Payment Notifications (IPN) with Ubercart!
uc_product.css uc_product/uc_product.css .product_image { float: right; clear: right; text-align: center; padding-top: 4px; padding-left: 4px; margin-left: 4px; } .display_price { float: right; clear: right; width: 100px; text-align: center; font-size: 1.3em; … uc_product/ name = Product description = REQUIRED. A module to represent items in an online store. Imagecache and CCK Image field recommended. dependencies = uc_store ubrowser package = Ubercart - core
uc_product.install uc_product/uc_product.install Database installation, uninstallation, and updates for the product module.
uc_product.module uc_product/uc_product.module The product module for Ubercart. uc_product_kit/ name = Product Kit description = This node module represents two or more products that have been listed together. This presents a logical and convenient grouping of items to the customer. dependencies = uc_product package = Ubercart - extra
uc_product_kit.install uc_product_kit/uc_product_kit.install
uc_product_kit.module uc_product_kit/uc_product_kit.module The product kit module for Übercart.
uc_quote.css shipping/uc_quote/uc_quote.css /* table.checkout-shipping { width: 50%; } */ .form-item .description { /* Fix the inheritance from table rows. */ white-space: normal; } .solid-border#quote { margin-top: 1em; } .quote-button { cursor: pointer; font-weight: bold; … shipping/uc_quote/ name = Shipping Quotes description = Retrieve and display quotes for shipping products. dependencies = uc_store uc_order uc_cart uc_product workflow_ng package = "Ubercart - core (optional)"
uc_quote.install shipping/uc_quote/uc_quote.install
uc_quote.module shipping/uc_quote/uc_quote.module The controller module for fulfillment modules that process physical goods.
uc_recurring.css payment/uc_recurring/uc_recurring.css /* $Id */ .interval-fieldset div.form-item { display: inline; } payment/uc_recurring/ name = Recurring Payments description = Assign recurring fees to products and manage them. dependencies = uc_payment workflow_ng package = Ubercart - payment
uc_recurring.install payment/uc_recurring/uc_recurring.install
uc_recurring.module payment/uc_recurring/uc_recurring.module Allows you to add a recurring fee to a product/SKU to handle subscription type services. uc_repeater/ name = Repeater description = Allows a multisite setup to share changes to the catalog. dependencies = uc_importer package = Ubercart - extra
uc_repeater.install uc_repeater/uc_repeater.install
uc_repeater.module uc_repeater/uc_repeater.module Allows a multisite setup to share changes to the catalog.
uc_reports.css uc_reports/uc_reports.css .sales-year { display:inline; } .sales-year .form-item { display:inline; } .sales-year .form-item label { display:inline; } .sales-year .form-submit { margin:0px; } .uc-sales-table tr.odd:hover, .uc-sales-table tr.even:hover { … uc_reports/ name = Reports description = View reports about your store's sales, customers, and products. dependencies = uc_order uc_product package = "Ubercart - core (optional)"
uc_reports.install uc_reports/uc_reports.install Install hooks for uc_reports.module.
uc_reports.module uc_reports/uc_reports.module Displays reports on sales, customers, and products to store admin
uc_roles.css uc_roles/uc_roles.css .expiration { display:inline; } .expiration .form-item { display:inline; } uc_roles/ name = Roles description = Assign permanent or expirable roles based on product purchases. dependencies = uc_product package = "Ubercart - core (optional)"
uc_roles.install uc_roles/uc_roles.install
uc_roles.module uc_roles/uc_roles.module Grants roles upon accepted payment of products


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