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function hook_uc_roles_delete in Ubercart 6.2

Allows modules to react to the removal of an expiring role.


$account: The Drupal user object.

$rid: The Drupal role ID.

1 invocation of hook_uc_roles_delete()
uc_roles_delete in uc_roles/uc_roles.module
Deletes an expiration using user id or user id and rid.


docs/hooks.php, line 1888
These are the hooks that are invoked by the Ubercart core.


function hook_uc_roles_delete($account, $rid) {

  // Example: set the expiration date CCK field on a content profile node
  // to midnight of the current date when an expiring role is deleted
  $node = content_profile_load('profile', $account->uid, '', true);
  if ($node) {
    $node->field_expiration_date['0']['value'] = date('Y-m-dT00:00:00');