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function ca_perform_actions in Ubercart 6.2

Perform a predicate's actions in order, preserving changes to the arguments.


$predicate: A fully loaded predicate array.

$arguments: The array of parsed arguments for the trigger.

Return value

An array of results, if any, that were returned by the actions.

1 call to ca_perform_actions()
ca_pull_trigger in ca/ca.module
Pull a trigger and evaluate any predicates associated with that trigger.


ca/ca.module, line 459
This is a demonstration module for the new conditional actions API.


function ca_perform_actions($predicate, $arguments) {

  // Exit now if we don't have any actions.
  if (count($predicate['#actions']) == 0) {
  $results = array();

  // Load the data for the actions as defined by modules.
  $action_data = module_invoke_all('ca_action');
  foreach ($predicate['#actions'] as $i => $action) {
    $args = array();

    // Get the callback function for the current action.
    $callback = $action_data[$action['#name']]['#callback'];

    // Do not perform the action if the function does not exist.
    if (!function_exists($callback)) {

    // Loop through the expected arguments for an action.
    foreach ($action_data[$action['#name']]['#arguments'] as $key => $value) {

      // Using the argument map for the action on this predicate, fetch the
      // argument that was passed to the trigger that matches to the argument
      // needed to perform this action.
      if (isset($action['#argument_map'][$key])) {

        // Adding the arguments as references so action functions can update the
        // arguments here when they make changes to the argument data.
        if ($value['#entity'] == 'arguments') {
          $args[] =& $arguments;
        else {
          $args[] =& $arguments[$action['#argument_map'][$key]]['#data'];
      else {

        // Skip this action of the predicate didn't map the arguments needed.
        continue 2;

    // Add the condition settings to the argument list.
    $args[] = isset($action['#settings']) && is_array($action['#settings']) ? $action['#settings'] : array();

    // Call the action's function with the appropriate arguments.
    $results[$i] = call_user_func_array($callback, $args);
  return $results;