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function _tzfield_geofield_get_timezone in Time Zone Field 7

Return timezone by location.

1 call to _tzfield_geofield_get_timezone()
tzfield_geofield_field_attach_presave in tzfield_geofield/tzfield_geofield.module
Implements hook_field_attach_presave().


tzfield_geofield/tzfield_geofield.module, line 70
Populate a time zone field from Geofield.


function _tzfield_geofield_get_timezone($lat, $lon) {
  $response = file_get_contents(url('', array(
    'query' => array(
      'location' => $lat . ',' . $lon,
      'timestamp' => REQUEST_TIME,
      'sensor' => 'false',
      // To make API requests, you must set this API key variable.
      'key' => variable_get('tzfield_geofield_google_timezone_api_key'),
  $json = json_decode($response);
  if (!isset($json->errorMessage)) {
    return $json->timeZoneId;
  watchdog('tzfield_geofield', 'Google time zone API error %status %error_message', array(
    '%status' => $json->status,
    '%error_message' => $json->errorMessage,