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Functions in Time Zone Field 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
theme_tzfield_autocomplete ./tzfield.module Theme function for individual autocomplete elements.
theme_tzfield_formatter_date ./tzfield.module Theme function for date format timezone field formatters. 1
theme_tzfield_formatter_default ./tzfield.module Theme function for default timezone field formatter (timezone name).
theme_tzfield_none ./tzfield.module Theme the label for the empty value for options that are not required. The default theme will display N/A for a radio list and blank for a select.
theme_tzfield_select ./tzfield.module Theme function for individual select elements.
tzfield_allowed_values ./tzfield.module Implementation of hook_allowed_values().
tzfield_autocomplete ./tzfield.module Menu callback; Retrieve a pipe delimited string of autocomplete suggestions for timezones 2
tzfield_autocomplete_process ./tzfield.module Process an individual autocomplete element. 1
tzfield_autocomplete_validate ./tzfield.module Validate an autocomplete element. Remove the wrapper layer and set the right element's value. 1
tzfield_content_is_empty ./tzfield.module Implementation of hook_content_is_empty().
tzfield_data2form ./tzfield.module Helper function to transpose the values as stored in the database to the format the widget needs. Can be called anywhere this transformation is needed. 1
tzfield_disable ./tzfield.install Implementation of hook_disable().
tzfield_elements ./tzfield.module Implementation of FAPI hook_elements().
tzfield_enable ./tzfield.install Implementation of hook_enable().
tzfield_excluded_timezones ./tzfield.module Fetch a default array of excluded timezones for use when creating a timezone field. See 1
tzfield_field ./tzfield.module Implementation of hook_field().
tzfield_field_formatter_info ./tzfield.module Implementation of hook_field_formatter_info().
tzfield_field_info ./tzfield.module Implementation of hook_field_info().
tzfield_field_settings ./tzfield.module Implementation of hook_field_settings().
tzfield_form2data ./tzfield.module Helper function to transpose the values returned by submitting the widget to the format to be stored in the field. Can be called anywhere this transformation is needed. 1
tzfield_identifiers_list ./tzfield.module Cache the timezone identifiers list as a static variable. 3
tzfield_install ./tzfield.install Implementation of hook_install().
tzfield_menu ./tzfield.module Implementation of hook_menu().
tzfield_options ./tzfield.module Helper function for finding the allowed values list for a field. 3
tzfield_select_process ./tzfield.module Process an individual select element. 1
tzfield_select_validate ./tzfield.module Afterbuild adjustment of the element. Remove the wrapper layer and set the right element's value.
tzfield_theme ./tzfield.module Implementation of hook_theme().
tzfield_timezones ./tzfield.module Fetch an array of all candidate timezones, for use in presenting the selection form to the user. 3
tzfield_uninstall ./tzfield.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
tzfield_validate ./tzfield.module FAPI function to validate tzfield element. 1
tzfield_widget ./tzfield.module Implementation of hook_widget().
tzfield_widget_info ./tzfield.module Implementation of hook_widget_info().

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