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twitter_profile_widget.module in Twitter Profile Widget 8


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 * @file
 * Contains twitter_profile_widget.module.
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;
use Drupal\twitter_profile_widget\TwitterProfile;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Link;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityViewDisplayInterface;
use Drupal\block_content\BlockContentInterface;

 * Implements hook_help().
function twitter_profile_widget_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  switch ($route_name) {

    // Main module help for the twitter_profile_widget module.
    case '':
      $output = '';
      $output .= '<h3>' . t('Installation') . '</h3>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('<ol><li>Install as you would normally install a contributed drupal module. See the <a href=":docs">documentation</a> for further information.</li><li>Go to Manage > Extend, and enable the Twitter Profile Widget module (drush en twitter_profile_widget).</li></ol>', [
        ':docs' => '',
      ]) . '</p>';
      $output .= '<h3>' . t('Configuration') . '</h3>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('<ol><li>You first need a Twitter App. This is different from the Twitter widget ID, and allows you to connect to the Twitter API. To get a Twitter App, sign in to Twitter and go to <a href=":twitter"></a>. Copy the "key" and "secret" associated with your new app.</li><li>After installing the module in Drupal, go to Configuration > Media > Twitter Widgets (<a href=":config">/admin/config/media/twitter_profile_widget</a>). Enter the Twitter App key and secret you created in step 1.</li><li>Go to Content > Twitter widgets (<a href=":widgets">/admin/content/twitter_widget</a>) and create one or more widgets. The "description" is internal, to identify different widgets.</li><li>Now that you have Twitter widgets set up, you can display them in any part of your site via either entity reference or block display (each time you create a widget, it creates a corresponding block at <a href=":blocks">/admin/structure/block/block-content</a>). For example, you could use the built-in Structure > Block Layout > Place Block interface to put the widget on one or more pages. Alternatively, you could use <a href=":context">Context</a> or <a href=":panels">Panels</a> to place the twitter widget block. Or you could create an entity reference field on a node and embed the widget that way.</li></ol>', [
        ':config' => '/admin/config/media/twitter_profile_widget',
        ':widgets' => '/admin/content/twitter_widget',
        ':blocks' => '/admin/structure/block/block-content',
        ':twitter' => '',
        ':context' => '',
        ':panels' => '',
      ]) . '</p>';
      $output .= '<h3>' . t('Theming') . '</h3>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t("By design, the display of tweets  provided by this module is minimal. Developers can copy the twitter_widget.html.twig file from the /templates directory and add it to their theme and customize as necessary. To remove the CSS provided by this module, remove the <code>{{ attach_library('twitter_profile_widget/twitter-profile-widget') }}</code> from the twig file, or point it to your own defined library.") . '</p>';
      return $output;

 * Implements hook_entity_insert().
 * Upon initial creation of a Twitter widget entity, create a corresponding
 * block, using the widget label (name) as the block info (description).
function twitter_profile_widget_entity_insert(EntityInterface $entity) {

  // Only act on twitter_widget entities.
  if ($entity
    ->getEntityTypeId() == 'twitter_widget' && $entity
    ->bundle() == 'twitter_widget') {
    $config = \Drupal::config('twitter_profile_widget.settings');
    if ($config
      ->get('integrate_blocks')) {
      $blockEntityManager = \Drupal::service('entity.manager')

      // Create a block of type "twitter_widget".
      $block = $blockEntityManager
        'type' => 'twitter_widget',

      // Every block should have a description; strangely its property is not
      // 'description' but 'info'.
      $block->info = $entity

      // Assign the twitter widget entity to the block's field_twitter_widget
      // entity reference field, effectively making the widget a block.
      $block->field_twitter_widget = $entity;
        ->notice('Twitter block "%name" created.', [
        '%name' => $entity

 * Implements hook_entity_delete().
 * When a twitter widget is deleted, we want to clean up any blocks that
 * reference that entity ID, as they will no longer work.
function twitter_profile_widget_entity_delete(EntityInterface $entity) {

  // Only act on twitter_widget entities.
  if ($entity
    ->getEntityTypeId() == 'twitter_widget' && $entity
    ->bundle() == 'twitter_widget') {
    $config = \Drupal::config('twitter_profile_widget.settings');
    if ($config
      ->get('integrate_blocks')) {
      $entity_type = 'twitter_widget';
      $ids = \Drupal::entityQuery('block_content')
        ->condition('type', $entity_type)
        ->condition('field_twitter_widget.target_id', $entity
      if (!empty($ids)) {
        $storage_handler = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
        $entities = $storage_handler
          ->notice('Any Twitter blocks associated with "%name" have been deleted.', [
          '%name' => $entity

 * Implements hook_theme().
function twitter_profile_widget_theme() {
  $theme['twitter_widget'] = [
    'render element' => 'elements',
    'file' => '',
    'template' => 'twitter_widget',
  return $theme;

 * Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
 * Take the user-entered Twitter "configuration" and return rendered tweets.
function twitter_profile_widget_preprocess_twitter_widget(&$variables) {
  $entity = $variables['elements']['#twitter_widget'];
  $id = $entity

  // Retrieve tweets for this widget.
  $cache = \Drupal::cache()
    ->get('twitter_widget:' . $id);
  if (!isset($cache->data)) {
    $Twitter = new TwitterProfile();
    $tweets = $Twitter
    $config = \Drupal::config('twitter_profile_widget.settings');
    $age = $config
      ->set('twitter_widget:' . $id, $tweets, time() + $age, [
      'twitter_widget:' . $id,
  else {
    $tweets = $cache->data;

  // If the API call returns errors, do not send any data to the template.
  if ($tweets) {
    $variables['tweets'] = _twitter_profile_widget_prepare_tweets($tweets, $entity
    if ($headline = $entity
      ->get('headline')->value) {
      $variables['headline'] = $headline;
    if ($view_all = $entity
      ->get('view_all')->value) {
      if ($entity
        ->get('type')->value == 'search') {
        $params = [
          'q' => $entity
        $getfield = '?' . http_build_query($params);
        $url = Url::fromUri('' . $getfield);
      else {
        $url = Url::fromUri('' . $entity
      $variables['view_all'] = Link::fromTextAndUrl($view_all, $url);

 * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_view_alter().
function twitter_profile_widget_block_content_view_alter(array &$build, BlockContentInterface $entity, EntityViewDisplayInterface $display) {

  // Add the 'max age' cache for render cache of twitter widget blocks.
  if ($entity
    ->bundle() == 'twitter_widget') {
    $max_age = \Drupal::config('twitter_profile_widget.settings')
    $cache_permanent = empty($build['#cache']['max-age']) || $build['#cache']['max-age'] === Cache::PERMANENT;
    if ($cache_permanent || $max_age < $build['#cache']['max-age']) {
      $build['#cache']['max-age'] = $max_age;

 * Helper to parse Twitter's JSON and return a normalized array of tweets.
 * @param string[] $tweets
 *    An array of tweets, in Twitter class format.
 * @param int $count
 *    How many tweets should be displayed.
 * @return string[]
 *    Non-keyed array of tweet elements.
function _twitter_profile_widget_prepare_tweets(array $tweets, $count = 5) {
  $inc = 0;
  $tweets_filtered = [];
  foreach ($tweets as $tweet) {
    $tweet_actions = '';
    $tweet->retweet_eyebrow = FALSE;

    // If this is a retweet, use the API-provided sub-element.
    if (isset($tweet->retweeted_status)) {
      $id = $tweet->retweeted_status->id;
      $retweet_user = $tweet->retweeted_status->user->screen_name;
      $original_user = $tweet->user->name;
      $original_screen_name = $tweet->user->screen_name;
      $retweet_link = Url::fromUri('//' . $retweet_user . '/status/' . $id);
      $user_text = $original_user . ' Retweeted';
      $user_url = Url::fromUri('//' . $original_screen_name);
      $user_link = Link::fromTextAndUrl($user_text, $user_url);

      // Switch $tweet object to its sub-element.
      $tweet = $tweet->retweeted_status;

      // Add the retweet eyebrow.
      $tweet->retweet_link = $retweet_link;
      $tweet->retweet_user = $user_link;

    // Prepare the Tweet Action links, based on $tweet->id.
    $timestamp = strtotime($tweet->created_at);
    $tweets_filtered[$inc] = [
      'id' => (int) $tweet->id,
      'image' => _twitter_profile_widget_schema_free_link($tweet->user->profile_image_url),
      'image_user' => $tweet->user->name,
      'author' => $tweet->user->name,
      'username' => $tweet->user->screen_name,
      'text' => _twitter_profile_widget_parse_twitter_links($tweet->text),
      'timestamp' => $timestamp,
      'time_ago' => t('@time ago', [
        '@time' => \Drupal::service('date.formatter')
          ->formatInterval(REQUEST_TIME - $timestamp),
      'tweet_reply2' => Url::fromUri('//' . $tweet->id),
      'tweet_retweet' => Url::fromUri('//' . $tweet->id),
      'tweet_star' => Url::fromUri('//' . $tweet->id),
    if (isset($tweet->retweet_link)) {
      $tweets_filtered[$inc]['retweet_link'] = $tweet->retweet_link;
      $tweets_filtered[$inc]['retweet_user'] = $tweet->retweet_user;
    if ($inc >= $count) {
  return $tweets_filtered;

 * Strip 'http://' and 'https://' from a url, and replace it for '//'.
function _twitter_profile_widget_schema_free_link($url) {
  $schemes = [
  $url = str_replace($schemes, '//', $url);
  return $url;

 * Helper function.
 * Parses tweet text and replaces links, at-mentions, and hashtags.
 * @param string $text
 *   String with the tweet.
 * @return string
 *   Converted tweet that has anchor links to Twitter entity types.
function _twitter_profile_widget_parse_twitter_links($text) {

  // Links.
  $text = preg_replace('@(https?://([-\\w\\.]+)+(/([\\w/_\\.]*(\\?\\S+)?(#\\S+)?)?)?)@', '<a href="$1">$1</a>', $text);

  // @ mentions.
  $text = preg_replace('/@(\\w+)/', '<a href="//$1">@$1</a>', $text);

  // Hashtags.
  $text = preg_replace('/\\s#(\\w+)/', ' <a href="//$1">#$1</a>', $text);
  return $text;