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function template_preprocess_twitter_feed_item in Twitter_Feed 8

Implements hook_preprocess_twitter_feed_item().


./twitter_feed.module, line 139
Twitter module hooks.


function template_preprocess_twitter_feed_item(&$vars) {
  $tweet = $vars['tweet'];

  // Creates a fake input_format so we can use some internal Drupal filters.
  $fake_filter = new stdClass();
  $fake_filter->settings = [
    'filter_url_length' => 72,

  // Converts URLs to links and line-breaks to paragraphs.
  // TODO hashtags and usernames.
  $vars['text'] = [
    '#markup' => _filter_autop(_filter_url($tweet->full_text, $fake_filter)),

  // This is the datestamp that jQuery timeago expects.
  $vars['date']['stamp'] = date('c', strtotime($tweet->created_at));
  $vars['date']['clean'] = \Drupal::service('date.formatter')
    ->format(strtotime($tweet->created_at), 'short');