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function twitter_post_perm in Twitter 6.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 twitter_post/twitter_post.module \twitter_post_perm()
  2. 6.4 twitter_post/twitter_post.module \twitter_post_perm()

Implements hook_perm().


twitter_post/twitter_post.module, line 29
Hook implementations for twitter_post module.


function twitter_post_perm() {
  return array(
    // This permission is limited to only allowing the user to post using
    // authenticated accounts that they own, they may not post using a "global"
    // account.
    'post to twitter',
    // Ordinarily users are only able to post using their own authenticated
    // accounts. This option allows users to also post using someone else's
    // account that is marked as being "global". This permission must be given
    // in addition to 'Post a message to Twitter'.
    'post to twitter with global account',