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function twitter_actions_rules_action_info_alter in Twitter 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.5 twitter_actions/ \twitter_actions_rules_action_info_alter()
  2. 6.2 twitter_actions/ \twitter_actions_rules_action_info_alter()
  3. 6.4 twitter_actions/ \twitter_actions_rules_action_info_alter()

Implementation of hook_rules_action_info_alter().

Actions of type system are not supported, so rules won't make use of it automatically. So we have to provide some information about it to make it work.


twitter_actions/, line 13
Provide better intergration into the rules module


function twitter_actions_rules_action_info_alter(&$actions) {
  $actions['rules_core_twitter_actions_set_status_action'] = array(
    'label' => t('Post a message to Twitter'),
    // Make sure there is something passed for $object.
    'arguments' => array(
      'object' => array(
        'type' => 'node',
        'default value' => NULL,
    'module' => 'Twitter',
    'eval input' => array(
    // Let the rules system for executing core style actions execute it.
    'base' => 'rules_core_action_execute',
    'action_name' => 'twitter_actions_set_status_action',
    'configurable' => TRUE,